Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • https://tinypng.com/

    You'll thank me later.

  • Is there, for FSM's sake, a way to open the user default's browser when clicking on a link in my game? It opens a non-identified-browser window with the requested link, but i want it to open the default browser (in my case Chrome). Pl0z!

  • Actual texts, so i should just move to spritefonts? Omg that's a hell of a work! Ashley please fix the game texts!

  • TiAm, did you try the new NW 13 alpha?

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  • 10.5 messes up my game text formatting >.<

    Also, with 10.5 there is a rare bug happening with render cells enabled.

  • According to Google the 64-bit build of Chromium is in some cases faster more stable. However it doesn't run on 32-bit OSs. So you should probably go with both.

    Thanks, this settles my doubts, i'll go for both then!

  • i got a fairly large project ready for Steam early access. Ram usage is limited (project shows 90mb, de-facto it can reach peaks of 800 mb more or less).

    My question is: are there advantages in exporting in 64 bit if the ram usage will never reach the 4gb cap of 32 bit?

  • Hello blurtsmum, it's so inspiring when someone in inspired by my work (sorry for the word trick!). If you even want to ask me something, I'll be happy to asnwer, this is my first and only project with C2 and i started nearly 2 years ago.

    The KS failed, but no problem at all, I'm going to release the game on Steam early access to fund the second stage of development, probably in few weeks, I'm in fact working on a new trailer/screenshots and presentation in this period.

  • Don't know about multiplayer, but "big" project are perfectly fine with C2. My current project is an ecosystem simulation with 7200 events, using largely functions & families, where the world evolves according to natural rules, seasons, animals reproduction, plants getting energy from the sun... thousands objects on a large map having their own life span. So yes, C2 allows you to do a lot of stuff if you know how to.

    Aurel as far as you know, are there also other advantages in using NW 10.5 instead of 12? Also, how can i add the -in process gpu- chrome arg?

    PS: i'm a huge fan of your work and i'm developing a large project as well

    Also, does 0.4 work also for NW 10.5, or just 11?

    do you recommend NW 10.5 for archivements, or for additional reasons? I'm using NW 12.2 and looks like its working fine.

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Member since 2 Jan, 2014

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