Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • I export my game in NW.js for Steam. I need a way to automatically save a snapshot to a specific folder (Desktop/DinoSystem or Documents/DinoSystem).

    I succesfully did something similiar with save dialog using js:

    "var fs = require('fs');fs['writeFileSync']('" &replace(NodeWebkit.ChosenPath,"\","\\")& "','" &CanvasSnapshot& "'.split(',')[1], {'encoding': 'base64'});"

    But now i need it to automatically save the screen in the aforementioned folder! Any hint?

  • Thank you all for the comments. I'm a bit emotional sometimes, but when i look back i see that i was giving too much importance to something that doesn't deserve it, either because he's a troll or lame... what really matters is being productive, creative and delivering as scheduled.

  • The comment felt a bit sarcastic.

    In general I'd recommend not to get too offended by negative comments whether they be on youtube or twitter etc. Either someone will leave constructive negative criticism, which you should take in stride when you are tweaking your game, or someone is just looking to get a rise out of you, in which case you should grow thicker skin!

    Definitely... but you know, i need to practice my written english (for the spoken one i've lost all my hopes )

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  • Check the comments. 2 years of hard work, and the guy "unsubscribes because i didn't make the game from scratch", just because i said i used C2.

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    Do you have this issue too with some people?

  • > It does, i tried. I got hundreds objects, even if i check every 10 seconds, the lag caused by the evet is there. Because i need to put For Each object -> create test sprite -> test sprite overlaps/dont overlap. Basically, it has to repeat the event for every object.


    (Emphasis added)

    Creating a sprite is a far more performance intensive than checking for an overlap! Instead you should just have one instance of a 1x1 sprite which you simply position to the image point, then test for overlap with. If you are just moving around one instance of the "detector" sprite and not constantly creating and destroying them, it should be perfectly performant.

    Awesome! I'm gonna try this

  • I came up with a workaround that seems to work for my case.

    I simply reduce all objects size by a factor of 100, and then make them bigger again just after the check. This reduces the object to a tiny dot, basically, just what i wanted.

    Since i use the self.width /height thing, the process doesnt require For Each, and as far as my testing is right, it is performance-friendly, there is no lag like with the other workarounds.

  • spongehammer

    Nope, here's an example:

    All "Stones" that overlap "Tree" enable a variable, say "Shaded".

    I can simply use:

    Every 10 seconds

    Stone overlaps Tree

    -----------------------> Stone set Shaded to 1

    And that's how it works now, it is very performant indeed, even with hundred stones.

    I just need to know if i can test if the Stone is overlapping Tree at its Origin point, without using for each or creating new sprites.

  • It does, i tried. I got hundreds objects, even if i check every 10 seconds, the lag caused by the evet is there. Because i need to put For Each object -> create test sprite -> test sprite overlaps/dont overlap. Basically, it has to repeat the event for every object.

    While simply overlapping condition doesn't. I'm wondering if there is a way to avoid for each and just test if the sprite overlaps at the origin point.

  • 2 years of C2, a very complex game in development, and still i can't do this:

    I want an object to test if it is overlapping another object at a specific image point (in this case the Origin). I know i can spawn a test sprite at the image point, i just want to do it in the simpliest and more performance convenient way, is there one?

  • It works!! Thanks folks!

  • Colludium nope i didn't yet

  • Ok, I have also discussed marketing with Black Shell Media but decided to try on my own. Are you happy with the result of hiring them?

    So far, since sales are going well, i can say yes. I still need to see the game featured in an article from an important site like RPS or Destroctoid, but i guess their're doing their job well.

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