Danwood's Recent Forum Activity

  • I don't feel technology is making me wasting time, on the opposite, it allowed me to create my dream game, which is a fairly large and complex project, expecially considering it is developed with C2.

  • nw.js 0.13.0 will be based on chromium 43, which I heard fixes the smoothness issue.

    Indeed, at least the browser does, NW 0.13 is in alpha but it doesn't work on me, i guess Ashley will need to mess with it to make it work! Can't wait, lol.

  • Dynamic shadow works very well: i managed to create a very realistic day/night cycle that takes into account seasons, relative position of sun, day length and various weather-related brightness effects.

    There is just one thing i'm not happy about: the fact object shadows "overlap" and the overlapping areas are darker, as shown in the screenshot.

    Do you know a way to fix it, if there is one?

    EDIT: Ok my team mate pointed out i just had to use the "Copy" blend mode on the shadow item, NOT the layer used by it. Retardation: confiermed.

  • I would recommend to leave a shitload of comments, so both of you can fully understand every part of the project. If you work on different areas of the event sheet, and these areas are not interconnected, you can avoid thet (i still leave a lot of comments for myself, or, as i like to say," the me of the future" )

  • Good, i'll do that

  • Danwood

    You could use NW.JS action "Show folder dialog"

    You could also try to make a system which deletes snapshots ignored by player when player quit your game in order to prevents a high data storage

    ALready done, old snapshots are deleted if player discards the game and starts a new one. So if i use Show Folder dialog, can i save the selected path to a variable and use it to point all the future snapshots, in order to avoid prompting the dialog every time?

  • If there is a way to prompt the user a path selection that would work for all the future snapshots, then yes. But so far i just allowed the users to save each snapshot where they want, which resulted in annoyance since the selection pops-up frequently, they asked to remove it and make it automatic actually!

  • Thanks! I was missing the wait 0.5 part, lol

  • What?? How can i generate it from the game? o.O

  • Maybe i did something wrong previously, but now it's all smooth

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  • Ok, i managed to make it work silently, dunno how (as always), hate when things work and i dont know why, i prefer they dont

  • I moved the bat file in the Dinosystem directory, and it has this:

    rmdir /Q /S History

    Edit: changed with DEL /Q /S "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\DinoSystem\History\*.*"

    works better and doesnt need to stay in the same folder. But the confirmation pop-up problem is still there

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