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  • Eisenhans

    I'm trying to reproduce it in a new project to make a report, but apparently it doesn't kick in, so it's just my project probably, or i'm doing something wrong.

  • Problem Description

    Right mouse clicking on button object opens a browser pop-up.

    Attach a Capx

    No need for capx, just create a button object, run the preview in NW.js 0.13a6 and right mouse click on it.

    Description of Capx

    When right mouse clicking on a button object, a pop-up opens, which is probably a new feature of the latest NW.js, but it's not intended for C2 games.

    Observed Result

    ____ What happens? ____

    Expected Result

    ____ What do you expect to happen? ____

    Affected Browsers

    • NW.js 0.13: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r218 / NW.js 0.13 alpha6

    UPDATE: This seems to be fixed in NW 0.13 alpha7

    http://dl.nwjs.io/live-build/11-26-2015 ... .0-alpha7/

  • One last issue: the small pop-up triggering when right mouse clicking on button objects (yes, yes, i know default button objects are crap and i should make custom ones, but it's a bit late now xD).

    Is there any way to disable it? Should i add any args In the export package-win.json to do the trick? (and if yes, how? )

  • I fixed by just telling the game to move and stay for 1 dt in the game layout without loading, and then load the save, instead of loading directly from the main menu layout

  • I somewhat managed to isolate the problem. Basically, whenever i have any action with a condition "On created", for an object that is a Container, when i load the game it shows the error.

    I need to do firther testing to make sure it happens with Containers as my first guess, and do it on a new fresh project.

    But it must be an issue with the new version, because previous C2/NW worked just fine!

    Please help me figure out

    UPDATE1: Actually, it isn't related to NW, because it happens on Chrome as well.

    UPDATE2: I can confirm that removing the Container status to the object with the condition "On Created" allows to load the game (other than just disabling the event/condition).

    UPDATE3: Another loading bug: Fading-In behaviour, if set on "Activate at Start", kicks in when the game is loaded.


    The problems are there ONLY if loading the game from another layout: if you load from the SAME layout, the issues don't kick in!

  • After r218 + NW.js update, exported game works (no black screen), but the other issues are still there: i can't load any game after i save, both in preview and exported, in preview it lists several IID bugs, while in exported it just freezes looping the ambience sound.

    I tried to remove NW.js object and all its references, still nothing.

    Also, when i use the refresh action (from Browser object) it pops up a bug in preview.

    Lastly, when i right click on an in-game object (only in some situations), it opens a small browser windows with some option like inspect object, refresh etc.

    I'll make a more detailed report soon. Really hope to be able to use the new version with my massive project

  • I had this issue way before 216, but forgot to make a proper report, hope this will allow Ashley to fix it.

  • O, M G.

    I can't test or comment now, but Ican't wait to go home and test!

  • In our game a whole natural ecosystem is simulated, along with complex survival mechanics. Your ability to use the engine, your logic and imagination are the real limits (along with the wrapper thing...).

  • I released in Early Access, so savegame not carried over isn't an issue, players know the game is in development. But if Silver is releasing in full version then i would suggest to delay a bit.

  • I'm wondering if anyone else is not getting a mac 32 bit release now?

    I reverted back to the nw.js before this one that I was using before but still don't get a 32bit IOS release so it may be the construct update and not nw.js.

    Support for mac 32 has been dropped in the new update

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  • Great find !

    But it also happens with the brwoser (chrome) after C217, as i save, i can't reload anymore and a bunch of bugs show up. So i think it's related on C217, not NW.js.

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