Ashley - I have read through it, Which is why I know you have not played in good faith. In many cases just like now, you sidestep the real argument. Just now, I was very specific and you only actually addressed the least important points and ignored a major point - primarily that of the promise you made. The language you chose to use, does not reflect the situation or your power of agency...
Nobody forced you into this path, you chose it. That is your prerogative, but saying you can "only apologize" is a blatant falsehood, so don't even. You can't pretend that you care more about the users affected by this than your own agenda, and that is fine but don't act like it is different. You have proven this in action.
If this is the path you've chosen, then own it. Don't apologize, because true apologies imply a desire to change, and it is clear you are not budging on this, nor will change.
But all and all, you still haven't addressed the point about the promise made. No amount of rationale unbinds you from a promise you made. If you at least made a tool to auto update scripts, that would be one thing, but you haven't. Long term construct compatibility is now the worst on the market of all major engines.
I have never been told by a developer "this is the way" to then be told 6 months later, basically go fish yourself and "sorry" for the inconvenience.
Also, the manual still ***** for scripting. It is still the worst on the market, and now even worse.