Well, I couldn't resist... I made a quick stab at creating lakes. It is VERY random, and does not try to prevent overlapping, or to intelligently place them in any way.
My son and I were working on random land generation last year, so this is a topic I am interested in. It gets fairly complex pretty quickly.
What we wanted was to be able to generate land in a similar way to how Minecraft does it. To do that, you need to use Perlin Noise. There is a plugin for C2 that works great:
The nice thing about Noisejs is that once you find a setting that you like, you can use that seed number, and get the same results every time, or you can use a random seed, or let people share seeds they like with their friends. Plus you can create infinite layouts - when you have a seed, you just give it the coordinates and you can generate as much of the terrain around that point as you want.
if you want to see our random terrain, look here:
Press ESC to regenerate the terrain. You can right-click on dirt to dig into the ground. Press F, G, or H to teleport to the left, middle or right of the map.
Hold Shift down to run, and press SpaceBar for a huge jump.
And here is the quick test I did at making lakes from the previous post (does not use the noise plugin):