GizmoSP's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello Construct Forums,

    I was programming a wall jump and wall slide mechanic into my game when I ran into an issue where the player can stand on the right side of any wall (this only seems to happen on the right side, not the left side.) I did some troubleshooting and found that the issue is not with the wall slide code, as deleting the code does not fix the issue. It's worth noting that the walls are using the Solid behavior and I'm using a 64x64 tilemap. The player hurtbox is a square and is much smaller than the player. Another thing worth mentioning is the origin point for the Player's sprite (the one for the animations, not the hurtbox.) Since each animation is differently sized because I exported them weird, the origin point shifts, causing the hurtbox to also shift perhaps. But I'm not sure of this either because making the origin point the same for every animation dosen't fix the issue, and I can't find any visible hurbox shift in debug mode. So overall I'm pretty stumped. Any ideas on what I should do? I can provide more information and screenshots if you want.

  • Hey guys! I'm here to show off my first game ever completed in Construct 3, Gizblaster, which has just released on both the Construct 3 Arcade and This game was made using the free version of Construct 3, with the game maxing out the 50 event limit. I'm proud of how the game turned out, and I hope that ya'll will check it out and get the new highest score world record! (Current WR as of 07/07/23 is 6400 by trevisbadoo on the version of the game)

    Construct 3 Arcade Link: Link:

  • 2 things: With the spacebar down, your adding 1 to ChargeTime every tick the spacebars down, this will mean the ChargeTime variable fly's up very quickly and your code is set to less than/equal to 60, so chances are the variables going to be above 60 and not call the next code. Looks like it should be more than/equal to 60.

    Secondly, assuming the spacebar is released and the ChargeTime variable is over/under the correct value, the Gizbot should spawn the laser - is the laser spawning under the gisbot sprite? It could be on a different layer. You'd then need to add Laser On Created and set the angle etc you want it to fire at. Bullet speed could also be set to zero.

    Have a look with the debug tool open and see if it's spawning

    I see, thank you! I'll check if this works

  • This might be quite silly to most of you, but I've tried everything to fix this and it just doesn't work. I want the laser to spawn at image point 1 for the collision box when I release the spacebar, but the laser just straight up doesn't spawn. The laser's set to be initially visible and everything, but I really need help on this after trying nearly everything. Do any of ya'll know how to fix this? Please let me know.

  • Hi, I am making a racing game in Construct 3 where you can jump. It's from a platformer camera perspective and I was wondering how I could make the car move while it's jumping, similar to jumping in Rocket League. I am using the platformer and physics behavior on the sprite. Any help?

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  • This is an old Construct 2 forum and you're using Construct 3. File issues here instead:

    Note you need to follow the bug report guidelines for it to be possible for anyone to help you.


  • When I open the Construct 3 editor, it says I'm not signed in, so I try to sign in but it says there is no wifi even though my wifi meter is maxed. Please help!

  • It's in ePlayer the Player Hurt function at line 38 and specifically the vector actions from platform behaviour, vector X pushes the player in a certain direction and vector Y is the jump.

    Thanks! :)

  • Hi! I am making a platform game and when the player gets hit, he will bounce backward. I looked through the code for KiwiStory but couldn't find how Kiwi jumps backward.

    Can you help me?

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Member since 12 Jun, 2019

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