I did two test games in GameMaker Studio while following a couple tutorials, one throw away game in C2 and I'm currently doing my action platformer in C2 which is about 90% done but I had to start again from scratch due to both messy code (but it still works perfectly) and major C2 bugs which a lot of the features (e.g. enemies are doing double to triple damage for absolutely no reason, even in the debugger, there's one instance of each so it's not multiple enemies occupying the same space, and their damage variables are the proper amount, not the amount that's being deducted from player's health).
I asked because you have quite some critique about various aspects of construct 2 work flow to produce a game, while in fact, you have about zilch experience.
Even in your post above ... you refer to "major c2 bugs" while in fact I would take on a bet , that:
enemies are doing double to triple damage for absolutely no reason, even in the debugger, there's one instance of each so it's not multiple enemies occupying the same space, and their damage variables are the proper amount, not the amount that's being deducted from player's health).
Are your own game logic's problems ...... which you created ....
I see you outing a lot of criticism on construct 2, and mentioning how you would make a move to another game creation tool and what not ... but I' will take on a second wager that that ship will strand with the same problems ....
Which for me boils down to biting of more then you can chew ....