Make game development a daily habit and soon you will see results. If you find yourself losing focus quickly, create lists of every single thing you need to do for game development and the other elements (marketing, devblog, etc.). I personally use the program Todoist because of its clean interface and it's automatic syncing across all devices. The process of crossing off objectives is encouraging and builds motivation and morale. Work 30 minutes a day, then an hour, and slowly progress until not developing every day feels strange. Visualization is also a valuable concept to learn, not only for game dev but any task of effort worth doing. See yourself at the end of the project, imagine how you would feel being able to show people your completed game and the knowledge you will have garnered throughout the development process. Good luck and remember: you are a developer in the golden age of gaming. Never before has gaming had such an influence, both in sheer revenue numbers and cultural influence. Hundreds of new games are released each day, both large and small, and you can join the vibrant community of game developers with a little brainpower and dedication!