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  • You added more things than the original suggestion covered - please try to avoid that, it confuses the purpose of the suggestion and makes it harder to track, any different ideas to the original post should be posted separately. That suggestion will be treated as referring to the original description only.

    FYI I can't see any reason to support getSupportedAPIs(), since you can't do anything with them from events. If there are features which are only sometimes supported, we'd add separate conditions to cover them, but AFAIK there are no such features yet.

    Well, so you can just consider what the original suggestion requests. ChooseAsync (with its callbacks) and UpdateAsync.

  • Hey Ashley, could you take a look? Sorry to bother you, I think you missed this topic.

  • I know that there is an appropriate place for posting suggestions and requests, but the request in question is here:

    That was tagged as 'Need more detail' months ago and get buried down by other requests. Now I think all details was given already in the comments, aso the Idea has 31 votes by now. I think this is enough to consider.

    So there are at least two very important things to implement:

    ChooseAsync - We can already use it with exec javascript, but we need the event that triggers when the context changes successfully or when the dialog is closed.

    UpdateAsync - We already have the leaderboard updates, but would be great to have custom updates, with the possibilities to add images, etc.

    For who have interest in theses features, please upvote the idea. Also who have more request for this plugin, please post here so we could group all requests into one.

  • > > Can anyone suggest here how they're approaching to implement the majority of the important features for FB instant games as C3 doesn't have many of them such as chooseAsync(), canSubscribeBotAsync( ),switchGameAsync( ),updateAsync( )


    > you just use the browser plugin, and call the functions via the javascript thing.


    > (I have not used the subscribeBot so cannot comment on that, but the other three works fine).


    > It is though not really good that almost everyone that uses IG plugin will also need to use javascript via browser plugin for many important functions since the IG plugin is too basic :(

    Could you please provide a code snippet so that I can understand how to do it with Browser plugin? Thanks

    Here I use browser plugin for chooseAsync() and switchGameAsync( ):

    Browser > Execute Javascript > "FBInstant.context.chooseAsync()"

    Browser > Execute Javascript > "FBInstant.switchGameAsync('GAMEID')

  • Congratulations for this awesome iniciative.

    I think the lack of rexrainbow plugins for C3 is the main frustration for C3 users.

  • Very interesting. Any plans to make a plugin for C2 or C3?

  • Are you sure that the object is not destroyed at the moment that the share function is called?

    Also whats the size of the image? If the image is much big it couldn't work. I don't know exactly how much is the size limit, but you could try a smaller size.

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  • Make sure that there is at least one instance of the object you're using for the image parameter in the share action in the current layout.

  • I've always used browser execute javascript for switchGameAsync: "FBInstant.switchGameAsync('"GAMEID"');"

    Since it was a simple function with a simple workaround I don't mind for it to not be supported by the plugin.

    But there is some key features pending to be added yet, like chooseAsync, and I (and I think anyone) don't want to rely on a third-party plugin for it. So we got enough features for what we need or enough for scirra to promote C3 as supporting Instant Games?

    Also posting in the suggestion platform seems pointless. That place looks abandoned.

    Sorry for being salty here, I know scirra is very busy with C3 runtime (wich seems great), but I think the pratical solutions now is more urgent. Platforms like Instant Games is one that enables developers to monetize their works also enabling developers to keep their C3 subscription.

  • Hey Ashley could take a look on it: ?

    Those are very important features for game virality in IG platform. Specially chooseAsync().

  • > jagoman, your code sample made lives easier, thanks!


    > i have a question though, some games show a challenge button next to friends' names, i think they either send a message to them or send a notification, is this something we can do with the plugin yet?

    you can make invites/challenges etc via the Share function on the plugin. ShareAsync

    the other functions for the "real challenges", with multiplayer and change contexts etc are not supported by this plugin. StartGameAsync, UpdateAsync, SwitchGameAsync

    There is a suggestion to implement it in the c3 suggestion platform. But it seems Ashley is so much focused on the c3 runtime that is not very willing to make more implementations in instant games plugin.

    Please vote:

  • Try unchecking the 'Use loader layout' and setting 'Loader style' to Nothing on project properties.

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