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  • Use Scale Outer and mark Unbounded Scrolling in your layout properties.

    You'll have to make the UI responsive (use anchor behavior on UI itens).

    Is what I did in this little pixel game:

  • Great! Thanks Ashley

  • So the only time it will be nice is if they will start to restrict the same functionelity for more than one platform. But if that will happen they will remove that feature toataly instead, and then you will need to recode your game as well hehe.

    Actually not in that case. If they remove totally a feature for all platforms, that they already removed in IOS before, this feature will not returns in getSupportedAPI(), so what I did for IOS will apply to all platforms without need to update the games.

    But I understand that this may not be a biiiig deal at all. But also think its relatively simple to implement. Just a expression returning the supported APIs string would work. We can parse it in our side.

  • You can just check if user are on iOS then hide the gamechange-button (or other stuff in the future).

    there will only be restrictions for iOS. never for web or android. due to Apple, so I don't think it will be an issue actually. (I know you have read the comment from Jean Claude about using this function but.. :) )

    That solution would work, but I think its not a good pratice. How you can guarantee that other platforms will not have some restriction on the future? Also who knows this restricion could even be removed in the future.

    I have dozens of games on IG platform. So I would like to avoid to need to update each game every time facebook enforces new restrictions.

    Also I tried to use Jean Claude funcion using Broser.execJS here, but it don't works.

  • Hey Ashley

    Sorry for bothering you again, but now we'll need a callback or expression that returns getSupportedAPIs()

    Without that, C3 games that uses switchGameAsync() will be blocked on IOS devices:

    Also Facebook could create a new restriction at any moment based on deprecated APIs, then I think this funcion is essential.

  • Great! Thanks Ashley!

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  • Why do you need it? There doesn't seem to be a very elegant way to do it - Instant Games doesn't distinguish between closing the dialog and the dialog failing to show at all due to an error. (In other words, closing the dialog is an error :P )

    There are several games there that calls chooseAsync when the player touch the 'play' button, then the game continues after the player selects a friend or when he closes the dialog.


  • Hey Ashley, thank you very much for the new update!

    Just one thing I would like to ask: Could be possible to add the callback event for when the player closes the dialogue(opened by 'Change Context')?

    Its a little thing, so think its not feasible to create a new request on the suggestion platform.

  • Make sure that there is at least one instance of the sprite object you used for the share in the current layout.

  • Better to use the 'On Score Submited' event

  • Renfd can you please guide me how to use Instant game plugin(official) and McFacebookInstantExtended (from store) plugins to make turn based facebook instant multiplayer game.

    Actually i am making Quiz Game.

    Can you please help me .

    Those plugins doesn't have multiplayer integration. I think you can do it with Multiplayer official Scirra plugin.

  • The suggestion has 44 votes already. Thank you all!

    Unfortunatelly 'no status' yet :(

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