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  • The enemies that spawn on the map have a Pathfinding behavior on them. They seem to be going around objects just fine as they walk towards me - except when I place blocks between me and them, they don't walk around it, but walk into it. How do I make it so that they walk around every solid object?

    Every 0.5 seconds:

    enemy > Find path to (Player.X,Player.Y)

    enemy > Move along path

  • Every time I add a new object, I have to make a rule to destroy bullet when it collides with that object. It seems ridiculous to have to do this for everything. How do I create one rule that when the bullet collides with any solid, it destroys it then?

  • Thanks. Would you happen to have a good capx example? If not, explanation of the array option would be nice! Thank you!

  • Oh. Found out that you have to set a speed to the bullet. Otherwise, it'll pass through objects.

  • What's odd is that I have both bullet and solid enabled on zombies. I do however have Line of Sight obstacles set to custom rather than solids.

  • What I have:

    I have 2 boxes at the bottom of the screen and an inventory with weapons.

    What I want to do:

    • When I drag a gun from my inventory to slot 1, I want it linked to key 1
    • When I drag a gun from my inventory to slot 2, I want it linked to key 2
    • When I press key 1 or 2, it should pull out the correct weapon I dragged there


    What is the best way to do this? Should I use arrays? If so, how?

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  • I have Zombies set to Solid:enabled, but they are still overlapping each other when they are coming after me. How do I make it so that they not only avoid being overlapped, but avoid bouncing off as well.

    I also have this set on the zombies:

    30 * dt

    angle(ZombieEnemy.X, ZombieEnemy.Y, Player.X, Player.Y)

  • I have a top/down shooter with wandering enemies. When the enemy walks towards me, he bounces off the wall like a ping pong. How do I make it so that he wanders along the edge of a wall instead?

    • I have solids enabled
    • I have line of sight enabled
    • Bounce off: Yes (I have to do this otherwise, they walk through solids for some reason)
  • worked! thank you

  • Set the objects angle to the same angle you're moving it at.

    How can this be done? Sorry I am a noob

  • Have you heard of layers and their parameters yet? Here's some magic <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    You are amazing. I just put the joystick on a new layer and put parallax at 0,0 and now it works! THanks!   <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I have a touch joystick. When I move my player around with:


    The player doesn't run towards the direction he is moving as he's always facing left. How do I make it so that he can always turn towards direction movement?


    Control2 (what the thumbstick sits inside of)

    thumb1 (is the thumb stick)


    DragDrop is dragging: Move 5 pixels at angle angle(control2.X,control2.Y,thumb1.X,thumb1.y)

    DragDrop is not dragging: Set positoin to (control2.X,control2.Y)'s avatar

Member since 20 Aug, 2013

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