i would do it with families and instance variables.
put all weapons into one family called all_weapons i.e and give them a family instance variable called "ID" or something like this. Make a family for the slots too. -> all_slots. with instance variables "number" 1 and 2.
give the player instance variables like "weaponsEquipted1" & 2.
give the family all_weapons drag&drop behaviour.
then do somethin like this:
"all_weapons" On overlapping "all_slots"
-> Set value "weaponsEquipted"&"all_slots.number" to all_weapons.ID
and then if 1 or 2 are pressed:
on 1 key pressed
---compare instance variable all_weapons.ID = weaponsEquipted1 (this is a subevent)
-> set all_weapons position to player at image point whatever ...
-> set drag'n'drop of all_weapons to disabled
-> set position of all_weapons to itemslot1.X,itemslot1.Y
so the player won't be able to remove them by accident if they are selected.
i can send you a capx this evening if you don't get it. or send me your's and i'll show you what i mean.