grigrizljac's Recent Forum Activity

  • we know that. but my game is approx 72MB atm - loader layout has 1 image that is 200KB. explain to me why do i see C2 loader until all 70MB is downloaded ? will ya? pls?

    Are you sure you have "Use loader layout" set to "Yes" in Project settings and "First layout" set to the one you want to be shown while loading?

  • Well ... In this tutorial ( ... ng-screens), you can read this:

    [quote:2w2livag]4. Remember the default loader is still shown while the loader layout is itself loading.

    So, if you have too large loader layout, you will see this C2 logo. It is shown while loader layout is downloadeing. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • Does Google Play actually even work when exporting to Intel XDK, Crosswalk? Is it supported?

  • Hey,

    I like this game. I think a good improvement is to wrap the player (if you go to the left out of the screen, you come back on the right) or to bump at the side (stop so you don't go out of the screen)

  • I think you should use Crosswalk for Android in Intel XDK instead. Also, be sure that your device has x86 architecture (otherwise, use ARM file).

  • How are you adding Google play?

    In C2, I insert a new object (Google Play). Then, I fill in object properties (App ID (12-dight number), Client ID (12-dight, Client secret (LettersAndNumbers)).

    The same App ID I use in Intel XDK (when I tick Google Play plug-in).

    In C2 I added to event sheet:

    GP is loaded, GP is signed in (inverted), system trigger once -> GP sign in

    That works when I preview on PC (I get a message "Welcome back, name").

    I've also tried to add leaderboards. I set

    Touch on touched sprite -> GP request public all-time hi-scores from "lettersAndNumbers" (25 results, top).

    But that doesn't work on PC (I don't know why ).

    Am I doing something wrong?

  • It looks like the problem exists only when I add Google play to the project. I've created a new project, and build was successful. But when I added Google play, the build failed.

    Anyone with the same problem or does it work for anyone?

  • IntelRobert


    Any idea how to fix?

  • volkiller730 This is the build log:

    [quote:2tx0p1ha]Buildfile: .../****/build.xml


    [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 23.0.2

    [checkenv] Installed at ...


    [echo] Project Name: ****

    [gettype] Project Type: Application




    Total time: 0 seconds

    Buildfile: .../****/build.xml




    [echo] proguard.config is ${proguard.config}



    [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 23.0.2

    [checkenv] Installed at ...


    [echo] Project Name: ****

    [gettype] Project Type: Application


    [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 20.0.0

    [echo] Resolving Build Target for****...

    [gettarget] Project Target: Android 4.4.2

    [gettarget] API level: 19

    [echo] ----------

    [echo] Creating output directories if needed...

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin/res

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin/rsObj

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin/rsLibs

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/gen

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin/classes

    [mkdir] Created dir: .../****/bin/dexedLibs

    [echo] ----------

    [echo] Resolving Dependencies for ****...

    [dependency] Library dependencies:


    [dependency] ------------------

    [dependency] Ordered libraries:


    [dependency] ------------------


    [mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.

    [mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.

    [echo] Handling aidl files...

    [aidl] No AIDL files to compile.

    [echo] ----------

    [echo] Handling RenderScript files...

    [echo] ----------

    [echo] Handling Resources...

    [aapt] Generating resource IDs...

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file icon.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file icon.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,,,,xhdpi,,,,,,,

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file splash.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,port,,,hdpi,,,,,,,

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file splash.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,port,,,ldpi,,,,,,,

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file splash.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,port,,,mdpi,,,,,,,

    [aapt] nothing matches overlay file splash.png, for flavor ,,,,,,,,,port,,,xhdpi,,,,,,,

    [echo] ----------

    [echo] Handling BuildConfig class...

    [buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.



    [javac] Compiling 11 source files to .../****/bin/classes

    [javac] warning: android/support/v4/app/FragmentActivity.class(android/support/v4/app:FragmentActivity.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/GoogleApiClient.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:GoogleApiClient.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/appstate/AppStateManager.class(com/google/android/gms/appstate:AppStateManager.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/ConnectionResult.class(com/google/android/gms/common:ConnectionResult.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/GooglePlayServicesUtil.class(com/google/android/gms/common:GooglePlayServicesUtil.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api$ApiOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api$ApiOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api$ApiOptions$NoOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api$ApiOptions$NoOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/drive/Drive.class(com/google/android/gms/drive:Drive.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/Games.class(com/google/android/gms/games:Games.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/Games$GamesOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/games:Games$GamesOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/GamesActivityResultCodes.class(com/google/android/gms/games:GamesActivityResultCodes.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer/Invitation.class(com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer:Invitation.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer/Multiplayer.class(com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer:Multiplayer.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer/turnbased/TurnBasedMatch.class(com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer/turnbased:TurnBasedMatch.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/request/GameRequest.class(com/google/android/gms/games/request:GameRequest.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/plus/Plus.class(com/google/android/gms/plus:Plus.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/plus/Plus$PlusOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/plus:Plus$PlusOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/GoogleApiClient$ConnectionCallbacks.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:GoogleApiClient$ConnectionCallbacks.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/GoogleApiClient$OnConnectionFailedListener.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:GoogleApiClient$OnConnectionFailedListener.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/GooglePlayServicesClient.class(com/google/android/gms/common:GooglePlayServicesClient.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/GooglePlayServicesClient$OnConnectionFailedListener.class(com/google/android/gms/common:GooglePlayServicesClient$OnConnectionFailedListener.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/GoogleApiClient$Builder.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:GoogleApiClient$Builder.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/Player.class(com/google/android/gms/games:Player.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/Games$GamesOptions$Builder.class(com/google/android/gms/games:Games$GamesOptions$Builder.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api$ApiOptions$HasOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api$ApiOptions$HasOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api$ApiOptions$Optional.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api$ApiOptions$Optional.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Api$ApiOptions$NotRequiredOptions.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Api$ApiOptions$NotRequiredOptions.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/Scope.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:Scope.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/data/Freezable.class(com/google/android/gms/common/data:Freezable.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer/Participatable.class(com/google/android/gms/games/multiplayer:Participatable.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/plus/Account.class(com/google/android/gms/plus:Account.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/common/api/PendingResult.class(com/google/android/gms/common/api:PendingResult.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/request/Requests.class(com/google/android/gms/games/request:Requests.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/achievement/Achievements.class(com/google/android/gms/games/achievement:Achievements.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] warning: com/google/android/gms/games/leaderboard/Leaderboards.class(com/google/android/gms/games/leaderboard:Leaderboards.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.

    [javac] It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded.

    [javac] 36 warnings




    [dex] input: .../****/bin/classes

    [dex] input: .../framework/bin/classes.jar

    [dex] input: .../framework/xwalk_core_library/bin/classes.jar

    [dex] input: .../****/

    [dex] input: .../****/libs/android-support-v4.jar

    [dex] input: .../****/

    [dex] input: .../framework/xwalk_core_library/libs/xwalk_core_library_java.jar

    [dex] Pre-Dexing .../framework/bin/classes.jar -> classes-c888b94ddba97b0e25b22525db35b6cc.jar

    [dex] Pre-Dexing .../framework/xwalk_core_library/bin/classes.jar -> classes-87b66cb50b13fe1ffdecf5ef05c79ce8.jar

    [dex] Pre-Dexing .../****/libs/android-support-v4.jar -> android-support-v4-ced88c446ddb086e1a73dbfa917525c8.jar

    [dex] Pre-Dexing .../****/ -> google-play-services-d8df840c5d4b1bd9b43a8588a7b4bfed.jar

    [dex] Pre-Dexing .../framework/xwalk_core_library/libs/xwalk_core_library_java.jar -> xwalk_core_library_java-1aa58519e49aaf933d900f3c0be99fa5.jar

    [dex] Converting compiled files and external libraries into .../****/bin/classes.dex...



    [dx] error in opening zip file

    [dx] at Method)

    [dx] at<init>(

    [dx] at<init>(

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] at

    [dx] 1 error; aborting


    .../tools/ant/build.xml:892: The following error occurred while executing this line:

    .../tools/ant/build.xml:894: The following error occurred while executing this line:

    .../tools/ant/build.xml:906: The following error occurred while executing this line:

    .../tools/ant/build.xml:283: null returned: 1

    Total time: 56 seconds

    Error code 1 for command: ant with args: release,-f,.../****/build.xml"

    Name of app was replaced with ****. If you need it, I can return it to its original name.

  • If you want, you can PM me and I will add you as a Beta tester, so you will be able to test the new version (built with newest version of C2 and XDK).

  • ok 2 tested so far, mortar melon loads and is bit laggy compared to other games like angry birds and clash of clans etc.

    Square eater stopped working unfortunatelly, wasnt able to play at all.

    That's sad ... Is your computer fast, has enough power? Which device do you simulate (if you can select) and Android version?

  • Here's one: SquareEater ... quareeater

    Public version is a bit old right now, but a new awesome update will be (hopefully) available in December. However, you can still try it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

grigrizljac's avatar


Member since 25 Jul, 2013

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