DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Chigabooga

    I never said you were lazy ???

    I just provided you a link to a tutorial that does what you want it to do. If it is too complicated, well, then it is too complicated.

    I also have hard time with search. Because I don't have right words for desired result I am after. And I am english, so it must be even harder for you.

    Anyways glad you managed to find what you were looking for.

  • Wow, that looks so smooth. Keen on this as well.

  • Here - Adjust it to your needs

  • cannot download the file... <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    erroe 404

    Probably because it is his project file and doesn't want you downloading it. Besides this is an old topic, very old.

  • Plugin and Behavior list <-You should find the plugin here

  • I was mucking around recently with this. My capx example is over complicated, and probably can be simplified. It was messy play.

    Instructions - click blue button to fill with data

  • Look here Users list there creations

  • My son has lung problems, our medical aid refuse to cover his chronic medication or lung specialists fees (he has a few dr's) so I feel your pain.

    The bills are extremely stressful, one whole salary goes to cover those bills, and we scrap by on the other.

    Wish your mom all the best.

    Would suggest you check out iodine supplementation - found my son was completely deficient in it. All the meds he is on wipe out his immune system much like cancer treatment. Because of the meds, certain nutrients can't bind or be ingested B12 etc etc.

    Worth looking into that too.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • if someone can lay a piece of butter in the corner of a room and say it?s art, than definitely every game is art!


    You gave it away on your site, then lied about it. You are still giving it away on your site - even though it doesn't work anymore.

    At 12 years old I new what you did was wrong, and i would never do it. Your word means nothing. All a man has is his integrity and you flushed yours down the toilet.

    I wouldn't trust you with an egg because you would probably throw it at me.

    Word of advice. Take Construct 2 off your site NOW, you are giving away a broken version. You are going to annoy the wrong guy who will hack you / ddos you / pay you a visit. I found your address very easily. Don't annoy the wrong kinds of people. Scirra have been good to you, and are nice people. But, you get some really weird/sick people out there. Be careful not to annoy them by making them click adfly, then fill out questionare that spams their cellphone, only to get a broken software.

    Learn from this, become a better man. Earn your trust back (no you probably won't ever get C2) but trust is for a lifetime. Earn it back, cherish your integrity as it is your most vital asset.

    You're 12, and are already shaping your future. You have time to become whomever you want. It's your choice. It's your life. I'm wish you the best, because if you start your online venture the way you have, you will loose everything. Online reputation is vital, you mess with it, it will follow you forever.


    What makes what you did so bad, is you have robbed another little boy from asking Scirra for a free liscense, because scirra probably won't give another one away because of you. You have stolen his hopes/dreams (that you might have too) - you robbed him.

  • I think it would be nice if Ashley lowered the requirement by at least 100 reputation points. It's hard enough to get to past 400 from nothing.

    One problem I noticed is that noobs can't post their work or progress when requesting help and then some experienced user jumps down the throat of the noob and accuses him/her of wanting all the work done for them. I've read 15+ threads searching for answers and coming across situations like these.

    It seems to create a hostile environment of elitism and misunderstandings.

    Just my thoughts on it.

    Getting points is easy if you are committed to learing the software.

    I like this system because it also forces new members to read the manual. Just opening the manual is 25 points. Read 20 pages another 25, read 100 pages 85, etc etc etc.

    New users jump straight onto the forum without even bothering to read the instruction manual. They ask the most basic of questions, which would have been solved by reading and going through the manual and tutorials. I think this is a great way to get new users to take action.

    As for jumping down throat, I had one case like that, and it was valid as he did want someone to design whole thing. He was rude, demanding etc no matter how much we tried to help him he wanted a capx (which was provided, but it wasn't exactly right - lol - could someone fix it - etc etc etc)

    I now check on new users to see how much of the manual they have read, and if you haven't even opened the manual, well, you ain't getting help because you not interested in learning.

  • yip, my wife says he was too good looking to die so young.

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