DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • I've been trying to find a sprite font that is similar to the original, but not so far spaced. Anyone find a good one yet, or is it yet another thing I'll have to do for graphics? lol

    You like the default? lol

    In spritefont properties adjust the character spacing to -5 or whatever you feel is the right spacing.

  • I just want to ask, if i use the new beta multiplayer system to creat a multiplay game then export to cocoonjs , is it run fine on mobile ??

    I needs a browser to work. Chrome or Firefox. So will be for html5. This is my understanding and my understanding is very limited. WebRTC DataChannels is new, and I don't know much about it. It is peer-to-peer using browser networking technology.

    So I doubt it. Maybe if you go through a central server, but I don't know if that is possible. Most certainly won't be for awhile.

    MY understanding of this is limited, and in no way written in stone.

  • 2 options:



    Have a look in manual

    edit: use floor with random for whole numbers floor(random(10)) is random 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

    See Joskin below posted too, with better explanation

  • jhice,

    Just tried to bookmark and agree it now returns 404. It works, then stops. Tom must be playing as usual

    I could remove the other day. Guess Tom is doing things in the backend.

  • Normal text object too.

    It just happens. Spritefont is better at this stage in my experience in performance and less issues down the road.

  • Are you sure it isn't for a book/course/mentorship or something else that compliments CC

    Opensource is open to the public, meaning you can get the source code for free.

    I know many people who sell open source software, but they aren't selling the software. They usually selling an additive (education/service/ etc).

    Wordpress is opensource. But you can buy themes, which are opensource except for the design which is copyrighted. So the sale of the themes is usually for 1 year support.

  • PhoenixNightly: Why shouldnt Text be used? What are the disadvantages? And when should I use Textobjects?

    textbox and Mobile apps have performance issues.

    TextBox doesn't work with current wrappers {coocoonjs} and has loads of problems with mobiles in general.

    I use spritefont for everything. Even for the PC, cause you never know if you want to port it to mobile later?

    Biggest adv is you know what you getting. I create my own spritefont template in photoshop and it has shadows, 3d, whatever I want it to look like.

    Photoshop, you can download 100's of free styles (wood, metal, glass etc) Can't do that with css, and even with css3 you can't get same result, besides inserting css into c2 projects is very limited.

    Disadv: Obviously it isn't as easy as textbox, well it is, but the default spritefont is horrible lol.

    Image below didn't come out all that well. But you don't need to create menu buttons, you can just use spritefont

  • THere are tons of ways.

    The most beautiful is using rex' moveto plugin as Rabenmutter suggested. But, if you are like me and don't want to use 3rd party plugins out of fear that they are compatiable down the road.

    Then bullet behavior is pretty cool and does a fantastic job.

    Open C2

    Click New

    Now scroll down list till you see move to mouse its past the 8 direction stuff and near the line of sight template.

    Its great hey

  • DUTOIT, keep me posted and please link me to an example if it happens again. Without an example it's hard to pin down the problem.

    Happy to report it isn't happening anymore. Thank you.

  • The bookmark feature works. I've been using it already.

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    DUTOIT you should only be referenced if you're quoted, referenced or you're the OP of the thread.

    Added a few more things to list as per peoples reports

    Well then there is a bug? Because I've had a few that I was not either of those.

    I'll watch more closely to see what, where, when and post back if I notice anything.

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