DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Does anyone help?

    It uses 3rd party plugin... No one is going to install phonegap capture to view it. That is why nobody replying.

    I don't know what you doing... but

    Try using repeat 34 times and run loopindex, or use for each ball. Or pick instances.

  • Manual

    put data into array or dictionary and download. Will download as json

    You can then import(load) it back.


    Auto, set up a database mysql and save data there, and retrieve it via ajax

  • Title says it all.

    Title is a lie. It isn't free. It costs a like. And you stand a chance, a very, very slim chance of winning.

  • Ok sounds good, thanks... Any example please?

    Did you Search? Lots of examples.

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  • More of a mechanic than a game this entry, as I've not 100% figured out where it best fits into a game of sorts. One for the back-burner most definitely.

    Interesting... couldn't help but think about those magicians that make you think of something, then do this, add that and eventually you arrive at red hammer - lol.

    Yes tha is the correct link...Eclipse is really good, check out aptana studio as well. Both are really good. I favor aptana, in fact eclipse lead me to aptana, but can't fault eclipse. Both are really great.

    copy and paste into notepad and save as yourfile.php or just change the .htm to .php (but office usually puts all sorts of junk into the file). Just copy to notepad. Even better download notepad++ I made many, many many websites with it.

  • Save your data into array and store the array as json into webstorage and load from webstorage into array

  • The fact that you are turning out functioning, interesting games is amazing, BUT, that they looks so damn good is unreal.

    Keep em comming... Wish i was half as fast as you... lol.

    My games generally are developed over a period of months, maybe I must do some quick ones to get a pace going - (I like the idea that you will flesh some of them out into bigger completed projects.)

    I'm sure you are learning tons

  • R0J0hound,

    Wish I could steal your brain, you never cease to amaze.

  • DUTOIT, in the meantime, you can download it here: http://www.brashmonkey.com/download_spriter.htm

    And the key you got from the Scirra Store will work.

    Lol, that is where I'm downloading it... I brought it from your site a couple months ago.

    I just increased my line speed (I throttle it to make it more stable) and it managed to get 12mb. Albiet slow to download (1 whole min for 12mb) it didn't timeout. Looks like download timeout is around 120sec. I don't know.

    Anyways, I got it now thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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Member since 17 Jul, 2013

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