DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • DUTOIT will you be entering?

    I'm seriously considering it.

  • What duckfaceNinja says, if you want to go the send message route, have a look at the chat demo, or any of the tutorials that ashley did. The ones with chat. The chat sends users input to host using messages. It is a lot easier than syncing, but duckfacninja can correct me if I am wrong, I think it is a little slower, so animation might have a delay.

  • Nice

  • My clients - yes. and Steam is probably the best option. I have no experience with others.

  • Hi thank 4 ur answer

    ...ehm I simply pressed the button "run layout" on the top bar...that's the preview...isn't it ?

    I do not know how to run over lan...is it important ? and if yes...how should I do that ?

    the demo space blaster is working fine...is it that one that U mean from Ashley ?

    My game is 7 mb big with png on 8 bit...

    Yeah, that's the preview, but it also allows you to preview on multiple devices in important. Here is the tutorial

    Yip, I think that is the one, lol. If that is working then good news its something you have done - lol, it can be fixed. Bad news is finding the underlying issue.

    That's doesn't seem on overly complicated game... no reason it shouldn't be working... unless you use physics etc. I would look at anything performance written by ashley. Google "performance site:scirra.com" and read it all up... it may be something not compatible, it may be you forgot something.

    Could be simply that your laptop has maleware... it could be anything. Check on many devices. But you say it works on your pc - that is a good sign

    Yeah, the store will be better place for him to sell it.

    My friend has a valid C2 license, hence how we managed to make 20 levels. Would it be ideal then for him to rather post it?

    You are treading on very fine line... you can't share licenses.

    How much you looking to make? This capx is worth around $2.99, but the legal implications could be worth $1000+.


    Do you have a license to sell? Last I checked you were operating under the free version.

    This has lots of legal implications should you not have the right license. Both for you and the buyer.

  • Create a global variable called Turns

    At the end of each turn add 1

    Compare global Variable Turns = 5 then add 1 life, and set global variable to 0

  • Recently I've had to login every time I come to the forum (once a day probably), is it because I use 2 computers?

    Yes. It stays logged in only on 1 pc, if it detects you are logged in on another pc, it logs you out automatically... This is the right way to do it. Even amazon etc do this, except that they fake log you in(using cookies).BUT If you try to do anything account related, then you suddenly have to log in again.

  • Hi i have vindows 7...

    It is really hard to work so much time, and see than on other pc or laptops that it becomes sometimes quite slow...

    So instead of a browser game maybe a desktop game will be a better idea ? what do U think ?

    The issue is... and not really an issue. Your desktop game will be a browser game. Node Webkit is a striped down chrome browser. It has been optimized etc.

    I think you should do what everyone does... go through the performance post, checking each and every detail.

    Actually do yourself a favor and run a copy of space invaders the c2 one that ashley did. I use it to test it isn't my device (if it runs on my mobile/pc/whatever and my game doesn't then I've done something wrong.

    Test, check performance and then check your game from a to z

    Physics all the way to third party plugins. Something isn't meshing.

    Look, I don't know how big your game is??? And via pc you will see greater performance. But if it works in preview, then there is no reason why it isn't working on export.

    Have you run preview over lan on your laptop? I preview on my pc / my laptop, my tv, and my mobile phones.

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  • Don't completely understand what I have to do now... Can we talk in skype/icq maybe?

    1 on 1 - Put in a job request, or share a capx, screenshots are great, but tell you nothing. And most of the time it is trial and error, trying many different ways... and "we" haven't the time to build a demo to trail and error.

    So do a little capx with multiplayer and animations. Strip it down... it will allow others to tinker.

    But you are pretty much on your own. Multiplayer is pretty complicated, no matter what you use... and is most definitely advanced.

    I am pretty good with most things and I am struggling to get stuff to sync - lol.

    Just keep...Tinkering, Just keep tinkering, Just keep tinkering...

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