DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • So there's a bug which makes v-sync choppy, but it's temporary and will be fixed. It's already fixed on Chrome 45 on desktop as far as I can tell - it solidly hits within 0.1ms of v-sync every frame.

    Yes it has been fixed as far as I can tell too... finally lol.

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  • My old email provider had a policy change and started to want money for the privilege of using email (by internet - thieving morons...).

    Lol, this has happened so often

    I gave up and brought my own domain, and namecheap is kind enough to forward those emails to any email account I might be using at the time

    Or, in my case I was lucky enough to score the free business app package with 50 users.

  • Buy it here and you get badge. Buy it on steam you don't get badge.

    I have multiple accounts here. This one has a steam license linked to it. No badge. My others brought linceses here and have badge.

  • Anyway. Enough talk - back to Witcher 3

    Lol, I haven't had the time makes me sick

  • Firstly, are you talking autosave and not backup?

    And you probably have autosave on after preview

    Here is the solution.

    Enable autosave every 20 min this won't interfere with your new or demo capx files.

    Next set keep up to 5 backups in folder when saving. (that is the only time it actually backs up, when you save... that is why I think you are talking about autosave)

    Then create a folder, somewhere you don't go into at all. Call it C2 backups.

    Now add that folder to location 1: Never to deactivate, I use Daily.

    Now add a dropbox folder for location 2: weekly

    Now add to copy folder for location 3: every 3 days.

    So it will only autosave after 20 min. And you can disable daily backups or backup once per day.

  • That cranberry guy has one for phonegap

  • Can they export?

    Nope, those options are disabled, but interesting if they can export full project via non disabled options. Makes sense they can, cause they purchased a template, makes sense they can't edit because they don't have correct license.

    Pretty clever actually.

  • Although having to get the user to 'Allow' the camera is annoying.

    edit: what's happening is that it triggers 4 times, each time retrieving 0 cameras, then the 5th time it retrieves 1 then the 6th time it retrieves both cameras sucessfully. So somehow it seems to need lots of attempts..

    Yip, the permissions is annoying. Wish we could have user select it via options or something an have it by pass that pop up.

    Triggers 4 times, strange? I can't say I've noticed that. But, I haven't looked at it for awhile.

  • I use it on my phone (android). The issue, is, sorry been awhile, is the source. Your phone generally has 2 camera's. You have to select the correct one.

    Um, I think it is called request camera, then select source 0 as front camera, well that is what I did.

    I made a small handheld mirror for my sister in-law so she could put on makeup.

  • ajax plugin and post a get response to the weather updates api or configure your own php file to fetch data and use ajax to trigger and fetch it.

  • im say how to export for node webkit

    it's say need buy

    im can use other ways

    1) Install it like I said

    2) You need to buy a license.

    3) The moderators don't tolerate questions like this. Buy the software and get the features. Or don't buy it and loose the features. Its simple.

    Tell your mama to buy it for you in Jan next year for your birthday. Spend the year making your game using the free version. Then when you get the license you can export it in Jan

  • Andrej14,

    I suggest you email them like everyone has said.

    I see you don't have a medal on your avatar, which means you didn't purchase the license here on this site. So I assume you brought it via steam, in which case you don't need a license as steam handles this for you.

    Or three you have obtained an illegal version and the update nulled it.

    There are 2 places to purchase construct2. Here on this site and on steam. Which place did you purchase it?

    If you purchased it here. Then email scirra and they will sort you out quickly. Or you can download a new license file from the store under your downloads.

    If you purchased it from steam, then best contact steam.

    If you got your copy anywhere else, then I'm sorry buying pirated software isn't smart.

    But I hope you brought it here or steam. Because it takes a single email to sort it out.

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