how to install node webkit without setup

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  • can tell me ?

    im on laptop mama im make game on laptop mama

    computer is off with he's not connected

    can help me

  • nobody wanna help me

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  • I'm not sure what you mean?

    You want to install something without installing it?

    You can download NodeWebkit from the link below

  • im not sure it's setup or no ?

    ico looks setup :I

  • Download it. When downloaded. Double click and run the install.

    If you don't want to run the install. Then you can't install it. The icon is the standard icon for installations. It is an exe file, a executable file. Yes it is a setup/install file. Yes, if you want to use Node Webkit you need to install it.

    Sidenote: You obviously don't speak english. Use google translate to write russian, then translate to english. Because you make zero sense.

  • im know english words

  • im know english words

    Good for you

  • oh that setup im remember this simple setup

    im done install wow wait

    im can export for node-webkit or im need make with my hands and cmd

    node-webkit is give me 60 fps

    firefox is give me 30

    2 video card

    Intel HD from core

    Nvidia Driver:267.54 [From 2011]

    Nvidia GeForce GT 520MX

    Intel HD Graphics Family

    my mama is not allow me update driver video card nvidia

  • latest version of Node Webkit is Chromium 41.

    2011, that is very outdated. Construct2 will probably also not function correctly with such an old version.

    If your mama won't let you update the driver then you will probably have issues.

    Install nvidia geforce experience. It will update it for you.

  • im say how to export for node webkit

    it's say need buy

    im can use other ways

    latest version of Node Webkit is Chromium 41.

    2011, that is very outdated. Construct2 will probably also not function correctly with such an old version.

    If your mama won't let you update the driver then you will probably have issues.

    Install nvidia geforce experience. It will update it for you.

    Sigh we's not have Nvidia geforce experience

  • Yes, to be able to export to node webkit using Construct 2 you need to own a valid Construct 2 license.

    No other way is legit and allowed to be discussed on those forums.

    As mentioned previously, it is strongly recommended to update the graphic card drivers. If your mama does not allow you to update those drivers, you might end up having issues and might want to try and own your own computer in the end.

    Also please, don't post several posts in a row. Consider editing your posts when you have something to add to it (clicking the pen icon in the top right of your posts).

    And consider it is hard to understand everything you write, so please, consider Dutoit's advice about your posts. We know everyone does not have a perfect English but some of your posts unfortunately make little to no sense contrary to what you might think.

    It sounds you are looking for workarounds the recommended usage of C2, and that's just a bad idea.

    Update graphic card drivers and own a valid license, those are the ways to go for the best results.

  • im say how to export for node webkit

    it's say need buy

    im can use other ways

    1) Install it like I said

    2) You need to buy a license.

    3) The moderators don't tolerate questions like this. Buy the software and get the features. Or don't buy it and loose the features. Its simple.

    Tell your mama to buy it for you in Jan next year for your birthday. Spend the year making your game using the free version. Then when you get the license you can export it in Jan


  • im use other way for make html to exe im watch video training

  • done im make jumper timer 2 html to exe now bye

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