DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley,

    Thank you the latest release R146 seems to have resolved this issue.

    Confirm it no longer reproduces for me on Windows 7

  • As a workaround, the Steam users can now receive a standalone key if they want

    That is the decent thing to do, unfortunately Construct 2 doesn't offer the same, honorable thing. There stance is steam broke it, let steam fix it. So don't buy steam version, get it here instead.

  • Don't buy from steam. The steam layer over game makes it unstable, broken file association, can't open multiple instances of the program, it crashes often, freezes often, and won't close periodically.

    Save yourself the hassle, buy it from scirra.com.

  • There's not much we can do except be a middle layer that gets in the way

    Ashley, Umm?, actually its the other way round, they are the middle layer (they sell games, and a few applications. The software comes from you. We are the client, you are the developer and they are the salesman.

    The only major change is instead of reading a license file it simply asks Steam whether it's been purchased or not. This code is trivial.

    Yes, I know, and that is why I say C2 doesn't play well with steam.

    There are tons of forum posts highlighting that steam version (albeit the same as standard version) just doesn't function like standard version. This is a fact.

    QUOTE: probably something Valve need to fix

    I'm not going to answer this except to say that if there are issues, then developer needs to sort it out or work with valve/steam to resolve issues.

    They are a layer over the original software. Sure the layer could be broke, eitherway it is ludicrous to ask paying customers to sort it out when the majority don't speak geek.

    Its your baby, your software, we are the clients, you the developer and Steam the middle man.

    Just Re-read your answer, and tell me you wouldn't be semi annoyed by that your response.

    I've used the non steam version and boy is a different experience. Had I known how much different, I would never have purchased from steam.

  • There are no actual video card driver updates in Mac OS X, they are installed when you install a new version of OS X, and the only company ever making Macs is Apple, nobody else. I will update to 10.8.5 now

    Actually you can get latest drivers straight from manufacturers. Depending on what cards you have.

  • All the time. In fact steam version is a nightmare and I stand by the fact that C2 should never have been put onto steam. Scirra needs to address this, or at least offer an option for steam users to migrate to standard version. I mean we've paid for a inferior user experience.

    Point being we've paid!

    I've had it crash for the last couple hours - so I am extremely grumpy at the moment <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> - I'm sure after a gym, I'll feel better about it all.

  • I'm currently doing a refresher C# course because when 4.3 releases I'm going to be all over it.

    The 2d toolkit is beyond fantastic.

    Won't have to worry about export using CocoonJS - does happy dance.

  • You should move your mydocument folder then to D:\ permantely and let C:\ be for windows/software etc

  • You can rent unity pro and all extensions at $75/month a piece.

    This is great if you are turning a profit, and can write off the expense against profit each month.

    If you pull in $5000 a month via sales/advertising/whatever and have a expense of $375 then it doesn't look too bad.

  • I have it installed on windows 7 64-bit. I have the 32-bit version and 64-bit version.

    Grab a copy...


    Or here


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • firefox nightly is 64-bit. Game(s) work, but have a number of issues.

    Try it out, but good news is it is still beta and lots of room for improvement.

  • Lol, so cool. I know what you do for a living or at least as a hobby. Great work.

    Your Idea: Wow, that sounds really cool. You going to use touch then for sure. I think that is going to look fantastic.

    All the best. Will follow other thread.

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