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  • I have found samsung has broken many things. Biggest culprits are the S2, S3... S4 works better and S5 has fixed most of the issues.

    What issues, the list is long.

    My list is short WEBTRC does not work on anything under S4 which is a deal breaker as samsung is one of the most brought phones.

    In your case you will have to google each issue, and see, but from conversations on my own problems samsung doesn't really care about fixing older devices, that is what the new one is for (I say this tongue in cheek, as they didn't officially say it in those words)

  • array You want to push back cell0 on x axis

    array set value at (array.width-1,1) to var1

    array set value at (array.width-1,2) to var 2


    Array width is 0 and height is number vars you adding.

    In this case 1 (0,1)

    So it stores it

    0 | cell0,var1,var2

    1 | cell1,var1,var2


    To retrieve you need the x

    to get 0 data

    array.at(0) = cell0

    array.at(0,1) = var1

    array.at(0,2) = var2


  • create group. continue and deactivate group

    in group keyboard space bar (I think it is keystroke 32) add 1 to global variable spacebar

    if spacebar = 2 then continue game

    and deactivate group conitunue

    if spacebar > 2 spacebar = 0

    something like that

    So when you want to use it, add activate group continue whereever applicable.

  • FLF355,

    Upon reflection, the reason I said create another check condition is to stop the dialogue running contineously during the game.

    Events run top to bottom every tick, and a condition not met means that section is excluded until the conditions are met.

    I usually put all my code for various aspects in seperate eventsheets and have those event sheets called via groups and I toggle those groups on and off to activate/deactivate groups.

    Big games you don't want code running 'every tick' etc etc etc

    So it allows code to run, when it needs to run.

    Good luck with the game.

  • Just added the above to Magistross example if you want it to wait 5 seconds then switch automatically.

    But, please insert another condition. I didn't add it.

    Maybe a variable called talkingmodeon and set that to 1 for on and 0 for off.

    So it needs waiting to be 1 and talkingmodeon to be 1 to trigger the event.

    So when you want to trigger the talking stuff, you mark it 1, and when you want to deactivate you make it 0.

    There are tons of ways to do same thing, some better than others. As you develop your game further you will find new ways to handle this, that match what you are trying to do

  • Your use of functionis correct, however your application of the function is incorrect.

    You want your function to standalone,

    meaning you call the function and pass the text onto it via param

    something like this

    screenshot of function

    Now use function to type out words by adding those words in param

    Typing function using param

    The function saves the param text into variable sourcetext

  • You aren't the only one having issues, seen at least 4 posts saying same thing last couple days.

    Webtrc isn't ready for the big world just yet. It is cutting edge, and is going to be awesome.

    But it just isn't ready yet.

  • Cool, managed to connect multiplayer

    Nice game indeed.

    But can't load game via chrome still. Only your game. I am using 64bit version chrome.

    Played samsung s4 and pc(firefox) and acer tablet and samsung s4.

    No issues with multiplayer.

    Just want to check, your tablet is it samsung?

    I do know from experience that samsung s2,s3 can't use webtrc, I presume the same aged tablets would be the same.

  • Was probably the student one.

    But the personal is once off.

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  • I see lots having issues with dropped connection currently.

    I know that both chrome and firefox broke webtrc, but they fixed it in last update. Perhaps they went and broke it again.

    Photon plugin - here is link

    How to make multiplayer: Photon is pretty good, but there is no 100% option with construct2.

    Tested - lol, I can connect via mobile / tablet, but not via pc.

    Pc game loads in firefox, but not chrome.

    Also I can't use multiplayer tickbox, so can only do tutorial (this is on mobile and pc and tablet)

    Perhaps a arcade bug?

    Looks very promising. Seems your multiplayer select option isn't active, so no way to test multiplayer functionality. What is concerning is that it isn't even starting in chrome.

    You will notice if you inspect page, that you have a ton of errors. Ask ashley/tom about those.

    Does my customers, or rather my clients report some bugs ( yip, hence I am porting my stuff over to unity )

  • You aren't alone, seems a few folks having issues.

    I did test yesterday, I was fine. I do recall though having same issues not to long ago.

    Latest chrome and firefox fixed this. But they may have gone and broken it again

  • pm me the link to the game, and I will try tomorrow (timezones, its late here)

    But examples work for me, as well as my games.

    pc plugged into connection A

    tablet wifi on connection A

    Could be ISP? Could be a setting in router? Could be so many things.


    Have you tried the proton plugin? webtrc isn't ready yet for games in my experience. Another year or so and a lot more tlc and it will be brilliant.

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