simprose's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey all,

    I'm a fairly experienced programmer (but not as experienced with Construct) wanting to team up with someone who can help me with developing a very cool new platformer type game, with an in-depth story and randomized power-ups and enemies.

    I'd prefer someone who knows Construct well and can help out with some of the more technical stuff I may run into. I have all the graphics and music already.

    Shoot me a message or respond in the thread if you're interested in teaming up!


  • A few screens from my fully random generated game i'm making. These are just the first few screens, mind you. Decent start, I think.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Very nice!

  • I was able to export my project to Mac and PC perfectly fine in just a few minutes, so it seems to work great (C3, r120, latest).

  • My system works fine for that (it tells me that its available offline use within a few minutes) with r119. Chrome, latest updates on a Windows 10 system. Maybe its the browser? Edge seems to have many issues with this sort of thing.

  • Based on my (limited) experience, you could make a "stat/strategy" game with Construct 3. It's fast enough with the math and screen updating and all (the C3 Runtime, that is).

    It might be a little clunky the way the workflow is set up though. It isn't really designed for that sort of thing. There's other languages I would recommend for that over this one.

  • I see a number of Action-RPG templates/plugins available for C2. Are there any that are C3 compatible that anyone knows about?

  • Will this work with C3 at all?

  • Am I strange, or when I compiled a game for this new version of the "desktop" build, .mp3 sounds work in the preview, but do NOT WORK in the NW.JS Windows 10 (32-bit) compiled version at all. Same project with .OGG sounds and music seems to work fine. Or am I doing something wrong?

  • Now i've gotten a bit more started (main menu and basic options menu done), so I would like to change this to have someone available for advice or how to proceed if I get stuck. Willing to pay by the hour or "incident" if desired.

    EMail: or Skype too: derekd412



  • Hello there!

    I have a fairly large scale project I wish to tackle with Construct 3. Please email me at: if you want more details.

  • One thing I will say as a new user with not much experience with C3 is that I rather like all the quick patch releases and updates! I think Scirra should be congratulated on that alone, as many of these types of engines have rather slow releases and updates (Game Maker Studio and Xojo to name a few).

    I haven't really dug into making a game in C3 yet, but I know generally if there's a reported and confirmed bug in the engine itself, it'll more or less be fixed within a short space of time, guaranteed.

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Member since 19 Jun, 2018

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