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  • Having the same problem. Just sprang up a day ago.

    Never had this before. My project is only 2.9mb and uses just svg files

  • Thanks Lancifier

    Unfortunately, there is no simple way of having an end of video prompt with Iframe. I think Vimeo do it under their most expensive monthly subscription as well as it being way beyond my technical ability to incorporate that.

    I've specifically stuck with Video plug-in as it offers so many features that allow for building actions around the video playing including getting current playback time, on video finished etc

  • Hi guys,

    I have 5 layouts and each one has 7 short video clips.

    Is it possible to download video files to a layout that aren't already included in the project when it loads up?

    So for example, on user clicks on a button in session 2 (layout 2) the 7 video clips are downloaded from my database/server?

    This is so that the user doesn't have to wait 5 minutes for the Web app to load when visiting the site


  • Ok I wondered if it might be

    i will check thanks again , will be back in touch shortly

  • Hi plinkie the selection doesn't seem to be working properly--won't allow me to select more than 1 icon on the selection page. Is yours working properly?

  • Ok thanks.

    I will check the capx in a few hours and send :)

    I will definitely need further assistance with some things so stick around!

  • Ah massive thanks I will check this in my break.

    Do you have a way I can make a donation as a way of saying thanks?

  • Thank you- arrays are alien to me at this time but how I do the picked event?

    And then how would I get the second layout to recognise those picked?

    Very sorry for needing it broken down!

  • Hi people,

    Link to capx =

    There are two layouts. The first layout has a selection of 21 objects from which the user can choose 7.

    When the user clicks on an object/icon a tick becomes visible on that icon.

    The second layout puts each of their selection into a timeline of 7 icons.

    In essence I need to get each icon that has been selected to show up on the timeline on the second layout.

    So far I have had success setting the first icon on the second layout from the selection layout by setting a global variable to animation.frame and then setting that to the animation.frame of the first icon in the second layout but that's where my knowledge ends...

    Seems like I need a way of doing some kind of ordered expression or something?

  • Ashley- the iframe plug in has no way of recognising when an embedded video has finished playing i.e on video finished > action. Using the video plug in works perfectly for what I need however I have many videos that I would need to import into the project hence Webm due to filesize and having a popup tell users to use Chrome browser instead (to ensure compatability).

    This is why I also wondered if there is a way to download videos to the webapp during use and not just when you initially load the page.

    Elliot- I'm fairly new to all this so this helps.

    Ultimately, my whole problem is solved by the iframe being able to recognise when an embedded video finishes playing.

    Thanks guys

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  • Hi Allan thanks and yes I will go with the video object for now because it work well

  • Or maybe there's a way of downloading more vodeo files to the project later when the user needs it...?

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