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  • Ashley--it's an honour dude.

    OK so the browser recognition was my solution to the below.

    I can't figure out how to get construct to recognise when an embedded video ends and so I decided to go with Webm video medium in order to easily be able to control actions directly after video finishes. However I believe that the webm format is not going to be widely compatible.

    Ultimately I've got to much video to include it in a project so a little buggered right now..

  • Hi Guys

    any suggestions on how to detect what browser the user is using (on laptop/computer)?

    Thanks you

  • Hi people

    I've added the iframe behaviour and have a couple of videos that play when I touch objects in game but I need to get a string of actions to complete after the embedded video completes...?

    Anyone got any ideas?

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  • Wackytoaster, again. Legend.

    Thank you very much from a newb.


  • Chums

    So I have a 'game' that a user will use over and over again.

    when the user finishes they canvas snapshot which then downloads a .png.

    At the moment it saves as example.png and then every consecutive snapshot saves as example(1).png, example(3).png and so on.

    Is there a way to dynamically name the file from within the game.

    Something like a user text input which sets the text of the canv snapshot filename???

    Thank you

  • And this is my problem exactly. If there's anyone that knows a way to remedy this, i'd pay.


  • This would appear to deal with my issue. Thanks guys

  • Thanks mate.

    Let me expand.

    My exported project is 42mb in size. It has a progress bar to begin with.

    Ive uploaded it to my websoace but when I visit the web page it takes about 4 minutes to load on my phone or any device including my Mac.

    Now I don't want it to load everything just the first layout (main menu) and then when the person selects a level (layout) I want it to download the objects for that layout only. And I would like a progress bar for that layout as it loads too.

    This would make the process much more bearable for the user.

    Is this possible through construct???

    If it's only downloading objects for the main menu the layout is only about 5mbs in size so I'm baffled why it's taking 4 minutes to load menu...Same thing when using Google drive to host...

    Many thanks

  • Hi

    So I have my project uploaded to a website.

    It has for example several levels all with different sprites/objects.

    However it takes a while to load up.

    Can I make the project only download the objects for one level / layout at a time when that levels objects are required / needed?

    Pointing me in the right direction is fine if you have a bit of an idea...


  • Mate, thank you so much it works brilliantly. You just solved a problem for many social workers in London and thus hundreds of children in need!

    Legendary :-)

  • Hi people,

    this works for limiting the amount of characters/letters in the textbox

    + System: len(WhatPeopleLikeAboutMe2.Text) ≥ 528

    -> WhatPeopleLikeAboutMe2: Set text to left(WhatPeopleLikeAboutMe2.Text, 528)

    but how can I limit the height of the textbox? At this time they can press enter/make a new line and the textbox starts to scroll forever and ever (lol).

  • Hi mate, yeah got that now someone completed it for me. Thanks

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Member since 2 Apr, 2018

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