gaminslab's Recent Forum Activity

  • Have you tried saving the project in C3 and re-opening it?

    The issue may be with just one sprite or behavior or effect. Try finding which one.

    Also try a different browser, maybe you'll get a different error message in console.

    yes I have opened it after saving it in C3.

    Ok. I will try it in other browser.

    But I think it took forever to find where the problem is. I should erase almost every sprites no matter what(it seems no connection with each other)

  • I am opening C2 file on C3.

    I have erased all the event sheets, plugins, and layers, but it still does not open unless almost all sprites are removed.

    please help me. it's so frustrating.

  • I'm using these 6 addons in my C2 project.

    I've converted some of these c2addons to c3addons using C2C3addonconverter.exe.

    at first, I thought addons has problem so the project file couldn't be opened in C3.

    So I removed all addons in my project. but it still not opened.(and I've removed all added addons in C3. so my C3 is pretty much vanilla.)

    Is there something that I can do about it? thanks.

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  • hello. it seems spriter plugin doesn't work in c2 eventhough i followed this video:

    is there something wrong with your plugin?

  • I've followed instructions of BrashMonkey's videos.

    but i cannot import sprite sheeted animations into the project.

    there are three files (animation.json, animation.png, animation.scml)

    in c2, I dragged and dropped a single .scml file into the project, than opened a .png file into .scml object, but nothing happened.

    in c3, I even cannot drag and drop a .zip file(contains png, scml and json) at all...

    its so frustrating.

    help me.

  • I've followed instructions of BrashMonkey's videos.

    but i cannot import sprite sheeted animations into the project.

    there are three files (animation.json, animation.png, animation.scml)

    in c2, I dragged and dropped a single .scml file into the project, than opened a .png file into .scml object, but nothing happened.

    in c3, I even cannot drag and drop a .zip file(contains png, scml and json) at all...

    its so frustrating.

    help me.

  • Am I being stupid?

    I can't find any link of plugins in this website.

    I can do nothing because there is no appropriate plugin/behavior/effects...

  • hmm... am i the only one that couldn't find the download link?

  • hello. i'm making 16*16 grid base puzzle game.

    I'm using [set position to round(Mouse.X/16)*16, round(Mouse.Y/16)*16] for grid.


    sprites On Dragdrop drop

    ---sprites is overlapping other sprites.

    -------sprites is not overlapping other sprites at offset (16,0) set position to round((self.X+16)/16)*16, round(Mouse.Y/16)*16




    to prevent overlapping sprites.

    but if sprites overlapping exactly from center, it just do nothing.

    I don't know how to sprites not overlap each other in any circumstances.

    is there any good way?

    thank you.

  • Problem Description

    ____ A concise description of your problem here ____

    If there is 1 or more physics object, save and load game make crashes.

    it seems recent release's problem. (cuz 227 won't make any problem)

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    press S to save a game press L to load game.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 save game
    • Step 2 load game
    • Step 3 crash Observed Result ____ What happens? ____ Expected Result ____ What do you expect to happen? ____ Affected Browsers
      • Chrome: (YES/)
      • Edge: (YES/)
      • Internet Explorer: (YES/)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    win10 64x

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____


  • OH I SEE!!!!!!!


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Member since 25 Dec, 2017

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