matriax Hello !!!
Your work are incredible !!!
I have a little question is saw in ShaderLesson6 that there are some other effect for light like:
toon shading/cel shading
With this type of rending
i saw this too:
I know you may not have the time to do it or if it's possible but if you can implement it i will be so happy because the render look so cool (i do a lot of pixel art and this give a new dimension )
Maybe not the best exemple but look a the difference:
Cel shading On
Cel shading off
And for finish what is the main différence between:
For X = (LayerToCanvasX(0, "YourObject".x, "YourObject".y))/WindowWidth
For Y = (LayerToCanvasY(0, "YourObject".x, "YourObject".y))/WindowHeight
(LayerToCanvasX(0, "YourObject".X, "YourObject".X))/WindowWidth
(LayerToCanvasY(0, "YourObject".Y, "YourObject".Y))/WindowHeight
Mikal Can you post a capx of your solution ? Because i have a different solution but it's maybe ( for sure )not the best.
Have a nice day.. !