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  • I answer it already but the answer need approve by a moderator.

  • Btw your variable never turn to 1 because you use overlap, when overlap the stopwater adding 1 everytick to your variable.

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  • Ok thank you!

  • What is faster?

    On button click spawn a bullet

    Or on button click run function to spawn a bullet?

  • A way that coming to my mind right now..

    I dont know if there is an easiest way..

  • > You can set a variable alive=true at your player, or if you have already a health variable to your player then you have to use it to all the buttons.

    > So, lets say you have a fire_button, you can add another condition if players health its equal or greaten that 1 then shoot. Do it with all the buttons.

    I do not find it, I need that when the player loses, the trigger button is deactivated, because when pressing A, the trigger animation is activated, interrupting the death animation.

    It should work, upload a capx.

  • You have to make more logic s.

    If you have 2 animations "walking""jumping"

    You need also 3 variable walk = false jump = false walk_jump = false.

    If left button pressed set walk to true , if walk = true and jump = false set animation "walking".

    if jump button pressed set jump to true , if jump = true and walk = false set animation "jumping".

    If left button and jump button are both pressed set walk_jump to true , set jump to false, set walk to false set animation to "jumping".

    On landed set walk_jump to false.

    But you have to play with that if you want to add and fire or run animations.

  • No picture..

    But , you can compare if both of them they are overlapping the same line...

  • Create a button "Box_btn".

    Create a variable "Box_Var" and set it to 0.

    Add a sprite called "Box" at the layout.

    On mouse click "Box_btn" set "Box_Var" to 1.

    On any mouse click and "Box_Var" = 1 create object "Box" at Mouse.X -- Mouse.Y

    Set "Box_Var" to 0.

  • Im not understand what you are saying..

    Please explain better..

  • Hi there,,, Is this working with

  • now i understand... You can compare if a layer is visible or not.

    If click object and layer is visible.

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