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  • Here is the right place


    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

    What script you use for post data?

    Maybe there is a problem.

  • Hello.

    I just upload a beta version on play store and i was trying to download it but it says that the app is not compatible with my device.

    Anyone knows what is happen?

  • Here it is. I tried disabling the Fade effect as well but the issue's still there.


    Try to add another condition to "on collision with critter" "critter its not play c animation".

  • Hello.

    Im trying to setup my first non-consumable IAP to the game.

    At start of layout i run this

    And after i check for this

    I dont now if this is going to be work because im waiting for alpha test to going live.

    My questions here are:

    1) Is this setup going to work?

    2) After "on registration success" its better to store the registration in Local storage so the user can use it even if the game is offline?

  • Working like that.

  • Ill give it another try with RTT .

    If RTT >= 1 turn true

    Maybe this gona work.

  • I will try it but its not enough , i mean maybe device by device has different key for connections some are "none" other "0" "unknown" , the point is why on went offline / online not working?

  • Try Platform Info object, it has "On network change" events and you can check these expressions:




    Hello dop2000

    If you mean something like that , i try it but with no luck.

  • I check at start of layout if there is an internet connection on start up.

    And i have this 2 conditions after to check if someone turns on or off his internet.

    What im missing here?

  • Do you mean your variable won't change instantly? Because it won't if you've set it to check that 'on start of layout'.

    But why not?

    Im checking after on went online offline.

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  • On start of layout i check if 'is online' if true i turn a variable true, i false i turn it false. Also i use the went online/offline to turn my variable true or false. Now, i run my app with internet on,if i turn the internet off my variable wont change. Its better to try on start of layout 'on offline ready'?

  • Any way to change the opacity of a tile if player overlap it?

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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