savvito123's Recent Forum Activity

  • I did not understand but if you want to make "level 2" "level 3" etc then you have to change on click set text to "lvl1" "lvl2" etc.

  • What are you trying to accomplish ?

  • Hello,

    Trying for top down view sniper game.

    I have my scope center of layout with drag n drop behavior.

    I have also a large map and i want when dragging the scope the layout scroll to the opposite side of dragging.

    Right now if i drag my scope left , the layout scroll right.

    Scope is Dragging->scroll to position Scope.x / Scope.Y

    I want when i drag my scope left , the layout scroll left.

    Also is there any way to reduce the speed of scroll?

    I try to center my scope to the layout and instead of drag the scope i pin all the object to a sprite and drag the sprite, it works good but there is another problem, because all the targets are pin to this sprite the move to behavior of the targets are not work because are pined.

  • Use the tween behavior.

    Thank you , this is complete what i need.

  • Hello , long time to use construct and need your help.

    2 buttons and 1 square.

    Any way every time on press button "A" the square rotate 90 degrees left and when press button "B" to rotate 90 degrees it right?

    Note: Need to show the rotation so with out use the rotate clockwise.


  • Any pdf reader and editor?

  • Bullet behavior -> bounce off solids

  • If its necessary to start from another layout then create another event sheet for the first layout and add on start on layout go to layout title.

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  • Hello , can i buy only the facebook plugin?

  • Any help please?

  • Im planning to start work on a mobile game and im searching if its possible to add facebook login, play with friends ability and share the wins.

    All the topics i found are very old and i want to check if something has changed.

    Also i can not found any tutorials.


  • You use the id variable you've set up, so you search for all sprites that are Y=300 and then check the Y of sprites where id is and, the ones on either side. If both of those values are 400 then true and spawn the new sprite.

    Sounds good, let me try it .

    Meanwhile any idea how i can bring this example to life?

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Member since 6 Dec, 2017

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