Bootfit's Recent Forum Activity

  • In regards to Local Storage items, I have two for the Highscore and the Number Of Rounds...

    LocalStorage > on item "highscore" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "highscore" to HighScore

    LocalStorage > on item "highscore" exists > System > Set Highscore to LocalStorage.ItemValue


    LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "numberofrounds" to HighScore

    LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > System > Set NumberOfRounds to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    Both the Highscore and Number of Rounds being recorded taken through to the Game Over screen and displaying correctly. However, when I quit the game and restart, only the High Score is saved and displays again but the Number of Rounds is reset to zero.

    So in regards to LocalStorage.ItemValue - are you only allowed one or can you have multiple? It's also quite possible that the rest of the my code is missing something so Im not ruling that out yet.

    Cheers all

  • Just bumping this folks.

    Any idea if there's a native Review pop-up plugin that works for iOS and Android?

    Cheers all

  • Yeah I’d like to know what plugins you used also, as this has the potential to affect a lot of us hoping to publish in the App Store.

  • So what’s a mid-range phone model? Samsung? HTC?

    Is there a specific version of Android that needs to be installed on it.

    I’m based in the UK so not not sure how your price range would equate over here.

  • To date I’ve done all my dev and testing on my Mac devices (Mac mini & iPhone 6s+), but I now need to start testing on an Android device. I’ve zero experience with Android, so can anyone suggest a handset that is good to test on?

    As this will be a test-only handset and not being used for calls etc, I’m just going to get one second hand as I don’t want to lay out too much cash for a brand new one. So what’s a decent brand/model/spec?

    Cheers all ??

  • Sorry to resurrect an old thread folks but have an admob related question.

    For games like (for example) Flappy Bird where each round was over very quickly, did the game have a new ad appearing on screen each round, or was there a single ad placement that rotated every 30 seconds or so regardless of the game(s) going on above/below it?

    The former seems to be a cheat of the system whereas the latter would deliver significantly less ad but seems fairer and less an abuse of the admob service.

    Also, if the former system was employed, would the ad numbers served count towards the dev’s revenue even if they’re only been served for a second or two?

  • Is that not the Cordova/Phonegap icon?

    I think that appears on all builds if you use the free build service. Or I think you’re allowed one free build where it doesn’t appear but appears on subsequent builds. I think you need the paid service to remove it.

  • Can anyone recommend a plugin etc that allows for native star review popups for iOS and android?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have a couple of buttons that the user selects an answer from. When an answer is selected there's a 0.2 second gap before the answer screen is displayed. But this 0.2 second gap is enough time for the user to also select another answer.

    Currently I have...

    Touch > On touched button01 > stuff happens...

    Touch > On touched button02 > stuff happens...

    How do cancel or pause any further Touch commands on button01 or button02 once an answer has been selected?

  • My next iOS game. It is feature complete and I'm currently doing testing and fixing stuff.

    Very nice!

    Did you manage to get your game to fill the iOS screen fully without the black bars? If so what aspect ratio settings did you have?

    Also, are you implementing and native iOS features such as social sharing etc?

    I’m coming to the end of the dev of my first iOS/Android game so would be grateful for any pointers or tutorials on how to get the .ipa file from my desktop to the App Store.

    I gave up trying to implement Admob via the Mobile Advert object - in the end I saved myself more bother by just buying the Ultimate Ads plugin in the scirra store - works a treat.

    £10 is well worth the headaches you’ll no longer have.

  • If small alterations or bug fixes are made in an app made in Construct then reuploaded intobthe App Store as v2.0 or similar, will the users’ previous high scores be set back to zero?

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