Bootfit's Recent Forum Activity

  • For my game to start, I want the user to be pressing both Button01 and Button02.

    How can I code it where I get something along the lines of:

    System > If Button01 is pressed AND Button02 is pressed > goto PLAY FUNCTION

    Do I need a couple of Global Variables?

    eg: When Button01 = "Pressed" AND Button02 = "Pressed" > goto PLAY FUNCTION

    Thanks all

  • It’s where a pop up with “Rate our app” (or similar) with a set of stars appears.

    If the solution is to link to the app on the App Store, do we get to know the url of the app before we submit, or do we have to submit the app and get it live and then do an update with the url in place?

  • That’s disappointing. In which case why don’t we see more games being hacked and players accessing and sharing in-game secrets and achievements that normally only come with getting better at the game?

  • Once a game has been released to the App Store/Play Store and downloaded to the user’s phone, is there any way the user can then open the downloaded file and access the individual files to alter the gameplay or access the graphics files etc?

  • OK then - if there aren’t any native rate/review plugins, how do you get people to rate/review your app? Do you simply link to the app in the App Store and direct people there?

    Hello? Is this thing on??

  • Any feedback on the above question?

  • Can anyone suggest a repository for royalty-free/free to use etc coin sounds? I’m looking specifically for dings or blings?

    Is there a website that caters specifically for that type of thing, as I don’t want to keep trawling through numerous SFX websites and having to listen to coins spinning on a tabletop because the file was named coin.mp3, coin2.mp3 etc...

    Thanks all

  • I have a social share button that allows users to share my app across a number of social apps they have installed. It has a pre-written message that reads:

    [quote:2ejbgckt]OMG! I’m losing my mind playing App Name!! Can you beat my high score of highscore? URL link

    What’s a better, more engaging message that will grab users’ attention when they see it in a message or on Twitter etc?

    Thanks all

  • Sorry folks - just realised I'd posted a similar question a couple of weeks back. Ignore this.

  • After developing my game on my Mac and testing on my iPhone I've finally gone over to the dark side and bought an Android phone to test on.

    For my iOS export I do a build in PhoneGap and drop the .ipa onto my phone via iTunes. Obviously I can't do that on my Android phone, plus I've not set up a Play Store dev account so have no signing keys to use via PhoneGap, so my question is how do I download/export from Construct to then open as an app on my Android phone?

    I've also downloaded Android Studio - Can I import the exported files into this and compile/build my exported files and drop the app on my phone via this? If so can someone give me a step-by-step guide on how to do this?

    Thanks all

  • Here's the opening of the Game page where NumberOfRounds appears:

    And here's the Game Over page where the NumberOfRounds is pulled in:

    Any ideas?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This...

    > LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "numberofrounds" to HighScore

    > LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > System > Set NumberOfRounds to LocalStorage.ItemValue


    should be set to ...

    [quote:38wxoyg8]LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "numberofrounds" to NumberOfRounds

    LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > System > Set NumberOfRounds to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    Yep - sorry, that's me cutting/pasting from the top example to the bottom. The current code I have is:

    LocalStorage > on item "highscore" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "highscore" to HighScore

    LocalStorage > on item "highscore" exists > System > Set Highscore to LocalStorage.ItemValue


    LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > LocalStorage > Set item "numberofrounds" to NumberOfRounds

    LocalStorage > on item "numberofrounds" exists > System > Set NumberOfRounds to LocalStorage.ItemValue

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