Suggest Android device...

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A futuristic device, can be used as radarscreen, optionscreen, infodisplay, research device, ...
  • To date I’ve done all my dev and testing on my Mac devices (Mac mini & iPhone 6s+), but I now need to start testing on an Android device. I’ve zero experience with Android, so can anyone suggest a handset that is good to test on?

    As this will be a test-only handset and not being used for calls etc, I’m just going to get one second hand as I don’t want to lay out too much cash for a brand new one. So what’s a decent brand/model/spec?

    Cheers all ??

  • I would probably go with any midrange android device. Maybe something around $200-250? For testing purposes it's good to have a device that's not too powerful, so you can see how the game would perform for users that doesn't have really good smart phones. If you can get your game running well on a midrange phone then you can be sure it runs well on more powerful devices as well. Maybe even a lower end phone can be good, depending on what market and what type of game you are doing.

  • So what’s a mid-range phone model? Samsung? HTC?

    Is there a specific version of Android that needs to be installed on it.

    I’m based in the UK so not not sure how your price range would equate over here.

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  • If you don't have to make calls with it, maybe you could go with a small tablet?

    Like this on:

    There's some at aswell

  • To date I’ve done all my dev and testing on my Mac devices (Mac mini & iPhone 6s+), but I now need to start testing on an Android device. I’ve zero experience with Android, so can anyone suggest a handset that is good to test on?

    As this will be a test-only handset and not being used for calls etc, I’m just going to get one second hand as I don’t want to lay out too much cash for a brand new one. So what’s a decent brand/model/spec?

    Cheers all 😀

    Go to UK's version of Safeways/Best Buy/Targets etc. ()Asda?) and pick up a discount $50 phone. No need to activate because the phone will use Wifi. Today's throwaway phones usually come fully loaded - GPS, Camera, etc.. Try to get as new an OS version as possible.

    I test my apps using a $29 Moto E running Android 7.0.

    There is no need to spend big $.

    For example, ... /240650941

  • Get one of the lower end Android devices 2016-17 models; maybe the 2nd most expensive in a series.

    The lower the model, the higher market you're tapping into. If it works on a lower end device, it'll work on higher end ones.

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