BerthusY's Recent Forum Activity

  • CreaByte Studios is working on Aeon Chronicles: Faded World Episode.The game is centred in a black and white world, with coloured protagonists who find this world has ancient history which will take the player on a journey through the universe's conundrums.

    The Team

    Our team is currently composed of 10 members, giving their all for this project.

    • 1 Game Director/Designer
    • 1 narrative co-writer
    • 1 Level + Puzzle Designer
    • 1 Programmer (looking for a second)
    • 2 Artists
    • 2 Animators
    • 1 Composer/ Sound FX Engineer
    • 1 Social Media/Community Manager

    The Role

    We're looking to speed up development starting in 2016, so we're currently recruiting a programmer. The programmer will work mostly with Character-oriented programming(character navigation, combat, character systems). The programmer will actively work alongside our Level programmer and other Game Designer. Due to the scale of this project, a C2 Personal Licence is required, remove most of the limitations.

    Target Platforms

    PC, Mac, Linux are our targeted platforms, with possible Mobile ports. Time will tell how much we want to focus on that possibility.

    Revenue will be shared between all team members as well as a startup for CreaByte Studio as a full time studio. Any members will be offered the opportunity to remain in the team.


    We're currently a 0$ development team working on our free time and showing our passion towards this project. We're exploring crowdfunding as well as other funding possibilities and opportunities through contacts we've made.

    Our most recent appearance was at the Microsoft Game Dev Camp in Lisbon, 2015.

    Besides what is below, more info can be found on our website.


    Contact us at with a show case of your work, or leave a reply below with your own contact.


    Quick Test Demo:

    And happy holidays!

  • jan2000

    jan2000, you can suggest cordova built-in feature to Ashley.

    jan2000 and ,

    You can show examples for apps (stctr: Greetings Easter!) with cordova plugins probably. (which shows c2 can make apps in many way with the help of cordova).

    i.e show how c2 can help people to make apps (solely app-development) by c2 (c2 cordova plugin).

    Yes I made Greetings Easters in 1-2 days with 4-5 cranberrygames cordova plugins, totally amazing native support.

    Construct2 is really easy for app development.

    Greetings Easter : ...

  • cranberrygame

    Thanks for all your work, you saved a lot of us from much trouble.

  • What object was used to create those events, I have looked through some of the provided default objects but cannot find anything similar other than the Browser object. But how do we connect to a web server with a variable?


    Ajax plugin, you can look at this example : ... -php-mysql

  • > It's not supported because it's a terrible idea: it will rapidly drain the user's battery. Imagine if all the apps on your phone did that.


    > Instead when the app resumes, measure how long it was suspended, and then advance the counter according to how much time had passed.


    How do we measure how long the game was suspended to have a similar feature to the build/upgrade time in a game like Clash of Clans and other MMORPG game apps?

    User connection disconnects -> register server date 22/10/2015 12:55 as time for user xxx

    User connection connects -> register server date 23/10/2015 13:33 as time2 for user xxx

    Compare time & time2.

    Your answer.

  • zenox98: It doesn't, this is a third-part plugin, as such there is no official support for it, only its author's.

    Apparently the author's last connected 9 days ago, perhaps he's on holiday or something (there are some people on summer vacation in Europe currently).

    Keep us informed vuanhvan, perhaps it is just a delay (apparently looking at other posts in the topic, it seems to happen on a regular basis).

    Yeah I was on vacation, I'm back mailed everyone and skype is online for support.

  • Hi, I've just purchased your plugin through paypal. Please confirm and send me the plugin? Thanks.

    PS: The email address is: j39drxxxx gmail . com (same as paypal).

    Mailed you

    Does this have App Store rate action/condition?

    No, only playstore.

    Looks like support for this plugin ceased to exist...

    Accepted skype request.

  • Paypal and email are the same. J_czaplicki

    I mailed you at 16/06/2015, mailed you again.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I recommend people do not purchase the plug-in. I still have not received anything from the developer and its almost a month since I sent payment

    Really ? Wow sorry. Pm your mail. I'm mailing the paypal account mails everyday. Is your paypal mail and user mail different ? I always look at my paypal.

  • , you need an algorithm to find a way out?

    I'll look what I can do.

    Exactly, like a path finder.

  • Bought it, can you help me with an example were a circle is inside the maze and has to get out please.



    Important information to take into account

    You can use this plugins in the Webview+ for cordova (ios and android), but not yet at the cloud or in Canvas+.

    Is this information outdated ?

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Member since 19 Feb, 2013

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