Kraudi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is it possible to save the whole listview? tried with Save/Load but doesn't work

  • :D no problem , here is a capx exemple :


    Thank you very much It works just fine now. Thank you for the support and the very cool plugins!

  • Kraudi

    you can loop the rows , and use this commande to get the value at a specific cell Listview.SubTextAt(indexOfTheRow , indexOfTheColumn) , then just remove the "€" with "" to remove it using "replace(src, find, rep)"

    Thank you:) I tried it but I can't get it to work. I must have made anything wrong. I haven't done anything in c2 with loops yet. I had no problem with manually making math with 2 or 3 values with the Listview.SubTextAt(indexOfTheRow , indexOfTheColumn) command. But I can't get it to work in an automatic way where my loop counts all values in a row. Can you may give me some example? Would be cool

    Thanks for your time and the plugin!

  • Hello.

    How can I count all numbers from one column? I have a € column and I wanna count all and set it to a variable?


  • Any details on the gameplay?

    The color blocks are spawned randomly at one of the 16 spots outside the dots field and fly by.

    You have to dodge around these but there is one block at the top of the UI. You have to collect a block which matches the color to score. You can also collect extra score blocks and extra time blocks.

    There is also a level bar and as you score it fills it. When you have level up the blocks are getting quicker and spawns at a higher rate so it becomes challenging at some point.

    But there is also a level mode where you sometimes have to collect a certain amount of colors or sometimes collect the colors in a correct order.

    Sorry for the compliated description. It's quite heavy for my as a german to describe it correctly

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  • and android ? XD

    I have no android phone so that is quite heavy to do right now.

  • Hello folks,

    I just wanted to show my newest mobile game called DODGY.

    It's a reaction puzzler and in development right now.

    I have made huge progress over the last week and I think it's about 60% done.

    Here is a promo shot I would like to share with you. I would love to get some feedback on the art style and the used color palette.

    Right now the game is made for the iPhone only and is compatible with all devices starting from the iPhone 5 and iOS8. I don't know yet if this will be a Universal App or will be ported over to Android as I simply have no Android phone. The only thing I knew is that it works fine on a Galaxy S5 because I could test it on a friend's phone.

    Best regards,


  • There are seriously awesome projects floating around here! By far one of my favorite threads

    Working on a Shmup Asset set and Game template - WIP


    Game Test

    Great art style! Love it

  • Kraudi Thanks a lot man. Now, I don't any issues with the sounds. They are being played on the start of layout without any user interaction. But for some reason only one sound is not being played. It is playing fine on the desktop and android versions. Below is how I defined the evens

    On start of layout ->

    IF -> has bonusLife -> Play Sound 1

    If -> Game over -> Play Sound 2

    The sound 2 is not being played even though the game is over. I find this issue only on iOS.

    Please help.


    Do you have *.m4a files for both sounds? iOS needs those. Maybe that's the case. Otherwise I don't know why it shouldn't work.

  • Hi,

    I'm developing a game for iOS and android. In that, I added sounds for every screen but the problem is these sounds are not being playing unless and until I tap on the screen. Also after closing and reopening the game, I hear distortion in sound quality.

    I use Intel XDK to build the app. Please help, I'm not sure why this is happening.

    Thanks in advance.

    The distortion is a bug on iOS only and there is a workaround fix in the v223 beta which was released yesterday.

    Also all sounds you import in the sound folder will be played with no problem. Only when you have music imported in the music folder you always need a on touch end event for it to be played.

    In my project I have only one small music loop for the background music. I just imported the music in the sound folder as well. Works instantly.

  • Interesting stuff. I have the same problem on iOS ( but not with sound. I have the same with localstorage. sometimes it loads my saved variables instantly and sometimes I need to touch the screen and then it loads up.

    Anyone else hat this? On Browser preview all works fine.

  • Thank you very much also. Waiting for the feedback. Hope it is fixed with the beta until apple fixes it themself.

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