spy84's Recent Forum Activity

  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry but 2 and a half months im waiting for tutorials updates etc.. you said from the start that you are working on the plugin in your free time and thats ok but when you sell something at least do it more professional. if someone gives you lets say 1 euro for your work it doesnt mean that because its really cheap he should wait forever for you to complete your project. your work at least from the demo should cost higher than 10 euros but the way you manage your work is an example that everyone should avoid. you sell something that is incomplete has no documentation, no tutorials (video tuts) and everyone just wait. if for example you have a ready to work polished product well explained and fully fuctional i think that you will be a lot richer. Maybe you upload an updated version in a couple of minutes and ill be really fool but for me it will not change what i wrote you. i really understand that this plugin is a hard to achieve as you want it and who am i to tell you things when i dont even know what coding is but i still believe that you should promote it smarter..

    sorry for my post i dont want to be rude or something, from the start i wrote that your plugin is an evolution of c2. it is still an evolution but in the same time for me seems like a bad joke. i hope the good news come soon. and sorry for my bad english.

  • i think that the update will be ready after the summer. the problem is that at least the developer should have some tutorials before selling it. all the programs have tutorials and "how to" documents even the most simple.

  • i really dont have too much free time during the day to play with the plugin but only 2-3 hours maximum because of work.too bad ill be waiting then for tutorials who knows maybe they show up from users of the plugin

  • QuaziGNRLnose sorry if i bother you but its about a month after the release of the plugin and i dont see any tutorial/tutorials (cause 1 is never enough). i dont think it will take to you more than 5-10 hours to make a basic video tutorial and upload it. you make a great plugin you still develop it and update it and thats very good but at least speaking for myself i bought something that i cant use it.

    but if you spend all your time to update it and make proper tutorials please if someone here in the forum can make a tut it will be very good thing.

  • the site is very very interesting and has great potentials keep up the good work

  • TheDom i dont want to sound ironic or offensive but i think 40 usd for a guide is quite lot of money. Q3d plugin costs 14 usd and opened a whole new dimension. pricing a product is at the will of the developer/writer etc but i think that sometimes maybe we overprice it...if you sell it about 10-15 usd i think that youll have multiple downloads. and at last even books from proffesional publishers costs a lot cheaper and offer tons of informations like unity books maya,3ds max, programing books...i hope you the best but i dont get it.

  • FGLmatt i send you a pm in case that you didnt notice it. please reply

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  • basically q3d is a "revolution" and Ashley should support it 101%.

  • i think he means that in blender internal rendering system (cause in cycles i think after 2.71 will be bake option available) you have to bake your uv textures. and after baking them save the image file to jpg (or png but ididnt try it).then you add your model and your jpg file to the files folder in c2.at least it worked for me. just watch some tuts of how you can bake uv textures in blender.

  • QuaziGNRLnose i managed to import a model and looks great. the position of the camera and objects is a littel hedache but as i saw in your previous posts (some screenshots of the editor) i think that you're working on it.

  • QuaziGNRLnose i bought the plugin but i feel lost...maybe before you sell the plugin you've got to upload video tutorials from importing models to c2 to i dont know maybe how to make a simple side scroller with q3d like lets say flappy bird clone or a mario clone. or anyone else please upload a tut. i export my obj from blender i import it in c2 project's folder and the only think i see is a grey grid in black backround...im sure its working but i dont know how...thats the reason i said above that documentation is vital before releasing

  • Personally, I have absolutely no interest in C2 attempting to integrate 3D, as I think it will put too much strain on the engine. I'm hoping Ashley will agree.

    I would be interested to see a straw poll of how many users are actually really interested in this, because it reminds of the calls for the Spritefont+ plugin to be integrated, even though barely 400 people downloaded the plugin.

    It is sometimes difficult to gauge accurately if something is really of interest without some quantitative measure to look at.

    Just my 2 cents.

    i think ashley is jumping for joy right now... with this plugin (if it get more stable more fuctional and more polished) c2 will have something that the competitors dont have. that means more fame that means more downloads and that means more incomes. thats the final goal of every project right? unity was only a 3d engine and then they start supporting 2d as well. i dont think that they are stupid. they try to take a greater number of new customers by their side and give a new "toy" to the existing buyers/users to play with. ITS BUISINESS

    And maybe now you dont interested about 3d but who knows in the future? Maybe you will. Its good always to have more than you need from a product, cause you have alternatives. and the power of choice is something unpriceable.

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