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  • Anyone ????

    Please help!!!

  • Hi guyz,

    i need to check hsl value for a layer so to control the saturation and luminosity values if they are too low or too high to maintain colors.... is there a way to do that in construct 2 itself or via a plugin?

    I used fx effect hsl value but it only changes the hsl value, i cannot check what is the current hsl for the layer, and i want to keep track of it!

    Pleaaseeee help asap ....

  • Asmodean

    So thats it then, i cannot use a single shader effect for my mobile game! great !:p

  • zenox98

    Okay i would wait!

    and thanks for replying!

    But please tell me if there is a workaround! (in case it is a bug and i will have to wait for new release to get it fixed)


  • Can't i use one effect of my choice without any problem for a mobile game here?

    i mean its already enough that i am dealing with performance issues due to effect use, but at least after all it should run smooth.

  • please reply to this .......i have been dealing with this for a long time now, Please help!!!!


  • Water Fx Effect shows ugly pixels on mobile screen!

    ____ I cannot use single fx effect (water) on a background layer as when i export to apk it shows blurry seams (ugly pixels on mobile screen, in other words it is far different from smooth effect in preview(desktop))____

    I made an example Capx for this bug report


    Problem occurs after export in mobile device

    ____ Although this is not my game file but it simply contains a layer with water effect on it and when it is exported to apk (webview plus in my case) and please dont say cocoon is not officially supported because i am sure its not cocoon's fault , its simply because construct 2 do not have a solution for seam fixing!____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Choose a layer
    • Add water fx effect on it
    • Export it to apk and run on a mobile device

    Observed Result

    ____ Ugly pixels are visible on the layer____

    Expected Result

    ____ Smooth water effect as is visible in desktop browser! ____

  • Way to go cranberrygame

    i bought your plugins a few days back,

    i love them!

    but i do not actually know what some of them actually do :p

    is there a manual or explanation for these plugins?

    Like on top of my head... what does webviewplus plugin does? is it a replacement for cocoon webview plus or should it be used with cocoon webviewplus??

    and many more!

    Thank you

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I ran debugger in chrome its showing a perfect 60 fps while the game is slow in mobile as apk

    but when runs in firefox it shows low fps and high cpu usage,

    which one to believe? (for a mobile game)

  • I want to add here : i ran a lot of tests today and found out that using fx effects for a layer is causing a major lag in the fps!!!! i am using fx effect - water !

    Is there a way to avoid this??

  • Ok thanks i will read it!

    PS: what language is this???

    can i convert it in english? , if not.... please tell me what you have learnt from it!!!....

  • Already verified if there are not many objects on the scene, or if the images are not very large (Mb) ...

    What does that mean, please be more specific !

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