Shubi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi everyone,

    Please let me know if there is a way to save just like 2/5 layouts in their current states with savegame feature--

    in other words is there a nosave feature for layouts too?

    please reply ...

    thank you

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  • Happy diwali to all indians out there!

    Its been a while since i posted this and no replies yet

    i need this feature to show facebook friend's display pics in my game along with the info of there knowledge

    please help me Kyatric you know everything, please help me a little here!

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    I wanted to know how to get the data of facebook friends playing the same game to show the user his progress against the progress of his friends in the same game?

  • Edit :

    Found the answer


    Thank you

  • Hi,

    i have created a high-score table in database of a server for my game with the help of this tutorial -'

    Now whenever i request php it gives me a list of top scores i.e. names against there scores

    I just wanted to know that is it possible to request just the score against a particular name only?

    For example : I have store this table on server database Rank Name Score

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -------Harry----1000

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -------Sam------700


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 -------Monica-500

    Is there a way to request the score against name "monica" only? (by editing code in php_request)

    The php i am currently using is this...


    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');

    $host="localhost"; // Host name

    $username="username"; // Mysql username

    $password="password"; // Mysql password

    $db_name="database"; // Database name

    $tbl_name="scores"; // Table name

    // Connect to server and select database.

    mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");

    mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

    // Retrieve data from database

    $sql="SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10";


    // Start looping rows in mysql database.


    echo $rows['name'] . "|" . $rows['score'] . "|";

    // close while loop


    // close MySQL connection



    I have been struggling with this question for a while now, have searched a lot but nothing to help with this.

    Please please kindly help...

    Thank you

  • Construct has built-in savegames support.


    Thank you very much for replying,

    With all due respect to the save game feature,

    The problem here is that when a user starts playing a large game such as "candy crush" there are possibilities that he/she may have to uninstall the game in between when he/she has not completed it yet,(it could be a device damage, device space shortage or a user may get bored for once but want to start playing again),

    In such a situation when the user will install the game again/or in any other device, the saved game cannot be accessed unless it is reinstated from an online(cloud) storage with ex. facebook login as storage id

    So can you please tell whether its is possible in any way to do so?

    Thank you


    Edit : I just read the link you shared, and i now know that i can take my game anywhere i want but the question still is that can we use facebook cloud to automatically save game data and give it to user whenever he/she needs it like candy crush does.

    Thank you

  • Ashley

    Please please please help us a little here, please!!!

  • Anyone ?Please... share your wisdom! i dont want this post to vanish.

  • Hi guys,

    I am making a game integrated with facebook.

    I was wondering if there was a way to do it so that whenever a player joins the game through facebook from any device, he/she could get his game progress reinstated in the app.

    So far i could not find any thread discussing this correctly...

    please help if you know.

    Thank you

  • i meant device screen by android home screen!

    and browser plugin's go to home action goes to application's home page not device (android's) home screen

    and i dont know how to use .js to hide the app... can you explain a little more please...


  • cranberrygame


    i have 1.0.47 version uploaded by you on 2nd march 2017,

    is there a new update?

    if yes, how can i download it ... is it going to show on scirra store in my downloads?

    if no, when can we expect updates and new features??

    Thank you!

  • Please help someone !!!! I need this very much in my game!


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