Shubi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi everyone, thanks for looking,

    i am making a game using construct 2 for android, exporting it with cocoon webview

    the problem i am facing is that the game stucks on loader layout sometimes randomly,

    i am using a loader layout with event to go to a layout after loader layout completes,

    it also have some events to load dictionaries and storage keys in the meantime,

    The game works perfectly- it shows cocoon splash screen then goes to loader layout and then goes to next layout as it is supposed to, but sometimes the loader layout progress goes to a random percentage and then stays at it.

    Also, it happens certainly at the first launch in mobile and then sometimes randomly .

    Is that a bug ? i have searched the forums and found people having same problem but nobody got an answer...

    Please help me on this.

    Thank you in advance


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  • anything on this yet?

  • Ashley

    But i just checked and games like doodle jump & temple run are working fine on micromax canvas 1

    while i also searched internet to find whether they use accelerometer or gyroscope and everyone is saying that they use gyroscope and not an accelerometer.

    what should i do then to make my game work on every device like temple run? accelerometer my last option then?

  • hi guys,

    i have been working on a game for a while now, it requires tilting detection (orientation check) and it is working fine on one device (sony xperia XA) while it is not detected on other (Micromax Canvas 1),

    At first i thought that the device may not have orientation detection but then i tried some other tilt games available in play store on the device and they all are working fine.

    I am wondering what could be the problem then?...

  • MarC2

    This was the original request post i found for this and they have not replied to it either

    No one from scirra team wants to take this seriously!

    I think we have to live with what we have got and make the best out of it anyway ! :p

    Anything on this ? Its been 2 years now since intel's reply.....

  • jatin1726

    I really hope that someone from scirra's development team is looking and will reply on this.

    Otherwise it means they just want to ignore the demands and genuine request we are making in order to get the most out of construct 2 and will provide us with new opportunities to take advantage of,

    Also it is important for the team to know that if we keep up with the new opportunities ie. if scirra will provide new features in c2 , we are more likely to succeed in game development and in return users will be glad to give a huge credit to c2 team as it has game my imaginations a platform BUT WE NEED TO KEEP UP WITH NEW OPPORTUNITIES LIKE PROPER GOOGLE PLAY AND FACEBOOK INTEGRATION IN ORDER TO SO!

  • P.S also, you cannot make a huge game without availability of these features, in that sense, c2 is far- far away from being the best and easy program , it is a great engine and i respect the hard-work they have put in it , but unless they provide us these essential and user engaging tools like google play save game and a complete fb integration, then we will never get a top chart game from any store, even if your idea is great, you need to keep up with the current market demands and right now c2 is not proving all those , in fact they should be the first to provide the new features coming from google play store proving us with new opportunities to grab before it becomes outdated soon.

  • jatin1726

    this is not done... it is a really important feature like many others like complete facebook integration and construct 2 forum is ignoring this for a long time,

    don't you feel that if they want to make c2 the best 2d game engine ever, then these features should be provided first by them ,these features has been due for a long time for now.

    and even there are a lot of posts in the forum about demanding these features ,still no work has been done in these direction, not even a hint that its going to come soon or ever......

    it is not right to just ignore these requests and atleast they should acknowledge and reply them at-least !

  • Anyone???

  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to know is there any possible way to use the google play save game service in my game in c2?

    Thank you

  • cranberrygame

    can you add in facebook plugin to post score and retrieve scores from more than one leaderboard i.e by name of the leaderboard like cocoon plugin does?

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