KacperStasieluk's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone,

    I am looking for a way to export/port C3 games to Nintendo Switch. I heard that it's possible with - for example - HTML5 export. I have a Nintendo Switch eDev kit and really want to try but I don't know how to start.

    Maybe someone here want to share some knowledge with me?

  • Kind of good idea - I’ll try it tomorrow and let you know! ^^

    Edit: Unfortunately iPhone is running preview properly but searching and connecting to BT device don’t work. :/ But I heard that iPhones have problems with it

  • The preview seems to be another problem. On my Samsung J3 (used only to testing, currently I am using iPhone) I can’t run preview. After establish connection with C3 it freezes and not even try to load project

  • Yup, I have this problem after export :/

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  • Unfortunately no :/ I am trying to establish connection using Samsung J3. Everything seems to be OK but… well… I have no idea now

  • Hi there,

    I have an Arduino HC-06 Bluetooth module and circuit with LED. What I want is to connect to device with mobile app (exported with C3) and turn ON and OFF my LED through app.

    This is my C3 code:

    And this is my Arduino code:

    The problem is that my app just can't see any of BT devices nearby. The fact is that another BT app from Google Play can see my Arduino circuit, connect it and blink LED, so problem is 99% in my C3 project code.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi there,

    Is there any way to get information about image point of face from 3D object? It's possible to set image point on the 3D object face but I can't find way to for example compare Y of this image point with another value. :/

  • Hello!

    I finished my software couple moments ago and I wanted to export it to NW.js. Unfortunately, "Export failed" and I saw this in console:

    Construct shows at the same moment:

    Any ideas? :/

  • You can easily use base64 encoding to send image data (in base64 format, as a text) to another player who can read this data (decode it) and load to his sprite object.

    The most difficult task is to convert image to base64. Maybe trying to do it via JavaScript is the best way.

    If you already have image endcoded in base64, you can use Sprite -> Load data from URL function, and paste it. :)

    This ^ is not a full solution but it should help you ^^

  • You can "erase" the top and bottom parts of the list using a bask sprite with a blend mode

    Definitely it was an answer that I was looking for! Thank you so much :)

  • Hello Everyone!

    I am wondering how can I create simple scrolling list like on image below:

    As you see, I want this list to be a "visibility area" were my objects can be visible only in this area. Object that is outside this area is simply invisible.

    Also it would be great if this area would be transparent (not solid color background).

    Can you help me?

  • How about creating two arrays: one for ranks ("ranksArray", 1000 rows) and second for names ("namesArray", 5000 rows).

    Then imagine text object that holds your generated name.


    text object - set text to: ranksArray.At(round(random(0, 999)))&" "&namesArray.At(round(random(0,4999)))

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