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  • After fixed the plugins errors (I've to remove all the plugins references in the XDK file created by C2 and add one by one using the plugin management (8 plugin in total)) I could finally create the android/crosswalk version of my game. For my huge disappointment, after wait for a month, I get the same fps as before the update (10 fps). My iOS version also built in XDK (previous version) runs smoothly and I'm afraid to upgrade it. I'm very frustrated!

  • Ashley

    I tried the new Intel XDK version in the last night and I've some issues:


    1_ I still need to touch the screen to start the sound

    2_ I'm getting a weird noise when the chartboost ads plugin starts that only stops when I close the app.


    I got different errors when I imported the folder and when I opened the XDK file.

    • Importing www folder, the problem happened after app was built. When I executed the app, the loading screen was showed with an empty bar and it didn't change anymore.

    Edited: I cannot add plugins through plugin manager (nothing happens)

    • Opening the XDK file, the program didn't find the chartboost plugin and I've to cancel the process.

    Error message:

    Plugin "https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-ad-chartboost" is not present in the project. See `cordova plugin list`.

    When I tried again, I got a social share plugin error and now I'm stuck here.

    Error message:

    Command failed: /Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/bin/git --exec-path=/Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/libexec/git-core -c init.templatedir=/Applications/Intel XDK.app/Contents/MacOS/git/share/git-core/templates clone https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Socia ... Gap-Plugin /var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829 Cloning into '/var/folders/40/td660n9d3cldcx3wbc8y2ydw0000gn/T/git/1458821769829'... error: Could not expand include path '~/.gitcinclude' fatal: bad config file line 49 in /usr/local/git/etc/gitconfig

    Edited: If I deselect the "Use new Intel XDK project format" option I can import the plugins but when I try to emulate the game I got this error message:

    404: Intel XDK can't find your app

    Do you have index.html in your source directory?

    PS. My index page is there

    Both plugins were installed in the iOS version.

  • RBuster , No plugins whatsoever. Clean slate from that perspective. I exported with cordova and then loaded up the app in the Phone Gap online builder service. That service spit out an .ipa and I just double clicked, loaded up in itunes and tried it out. I made sure to force use the newest version of cordova cli as instructed by Ashley.

    I chose to use cordova cli because I'd have more control but I also had much more work. Did you tried it?

    I decided not to use phonegap build because, as I use cranberry's plugins, I'll have to change the cordova to phonegap plugins too, and cranberry games don't support them anymore (actually, I really don't know if Sang continues to support his plugins).

    [quote:189dn7hn]Are you using Cocoon.IO and it's draining your battery? My project was melting through the floor before I optimized it. Now it's warm but not explosively so.

    I'm using Intel XDK. My iOS app is running perfectly well (58 fps), but some minutes later the device starts to warm. It doesn't get extremely hot, but its bothers.

    [quote:189dn7hn]This thread I started is also loosely relevant to our topic here

    ok. I'll give a look.

  • It's good to know that. Could you share with us the procedures that you've adopted? Something simplified if is possible. Are you using phonegap/cordova or phone gap build? I tried to use cordova cli + xcode once and I got so many plugin errors that I gave up. Did you use plugins (ads/in-app/analytics/etc)? I'm very interested in this subject. I've the same issues that you (iPhone heating and draining battery) and I really want to fix them. Thanks in advance.

  • Sorry to insist, but as I said, I really want to use the chartboost plugin. I'm wondering if I can disable the audio before the ad starts to play (not only use "stop" action - I've tried it) and enable it after or if have any way to restore the audio when the ad finish, as already happens when the revmob ad begins. I need some temporary solution while waiting for a definitive.


    Godot is really awesome. Thank you for have posted these useful links. I thought that I would be much more difficult. Okay, it's not easy, but as I know a little bit of Python, I can understand something about the structure of GDScript. After you start to create some scripts or even use other scripts of other programmers, you can reuse it for games with the same style, just changing the variable values. I've a question: I didn't find much information about how to create the applications. I know that I 'll need to export it. But in this case, how can I build, for example, for iOS? is it very hard? Could you point me some directions? Thanks in advance.

  • Three weeks ago the plugin was working normally and suddenly it started to interrupt the audio (music/effects) of my app. In my case, I'm using rewarded video of revmob and chartboost, alternately. When the chartboost video begins, the audio stop and only returns to play when the revmob video starts or if I restart the app. I would like to mantain this plugin and as I know (or I think) that it's not problem of C2, it will not be fixed for while. So, I wonder if is possible to restart the sound after the chartboost freeze it?

  • Hi mars1985

    I'm having this same issue with the chartboost videos? Did you solve it? I'm using Revmob videos with no problem. Thanks in advance.

  • I cannot remove the WKWebView plugin, because performance without it is utter crap, as it defaults back to the old UIWebView that is x5 or even x10 slower.

    I tested it in preview on UIWebView, my game gets 10-20 fps, with 99.9% CPU usage (cpuutilization).

    In Safari itself (WKWebView), it's 50-60 fps, with 50-70% CPU usage.

    Basically you do not want to publish without WKWebView on iOS, because the high CPU usage for sub-par performance means your game will destroy the battery life of these devices and make them run really hot. This is a very important concern for mobile gamers. You want to be as efficient as possible, getting high FPS with the least CPU usage.

    You are absolutely right. As I said, it's not the best solution, but I removed the WKWebview to be able to test the game. I don't have a performance problem, but my game is consuming much more battery and heating up my iPhone more than others.

  • RBuster

    LocalStorage/WebStorage will be deleted on iOS when the user's disk space is low. I used WebStorage for my game on iOS8+ and users reported losing their saves and it was a year ago, I found out that iOS is allowed to delete what it considers temporary web files, with WebStorage falls under.

    So I presume that I'll have some problems with the web storage soon.

    [quote:2ral9ixc]This is why they want to move to IndexeDB (new LocalStorage), as it's more permanent. There was a bug in iOS8 that still deleted it, but its fixed in iOS9+ and IndexeDB should be more permanent.

    But do you know if there is an estimated time?

    [quote:2ral9ixc]Maybe test CocoonIO if you have a small project, it's free for 2x 50MB projects.

    Sorry, but I don't really agree with the Ludei premises.

    [quote:2ral9ixc]Intel XDK would not even compile for me, it has problems with installing WKWebView plugins. :/

    Did you try to remove the WKWebview plugin from the plugin management? I know it's not the best solution, but you can do it just for build the app. It solved for me. AFAIK, the XDX update will occur very soon

  • As the LocalStorage continues presenting problems, now with the variables, I decided to move them to the webstorage. After that, two questions appeared:

    • Can I continue to use local storage for the android version of my game with no problems, right? (I'm asking because I didn't test it yet)
    • Can I have any future problem with the web storage in the iOS version? Do I have to check regularly if the problem was fixed to migrate again to localstorage?
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  • Asmodean, Kyatric

    I'm still making some tests, but so far the data wasn't deleted. I'm using both (local/web storage) as I said before and I didn't see any strange behaviour until now. I'll do some more tests during the day to make sure everything is ok. For while, I'm really grateful for the Asmodean's suggestion. If I don't come back here is because I hadn't any problem with this solution.

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