Hey Dave. I've been away from Construct for a couple of months, and perhaps you have too. I felt the need for a bit of a rest after Korelos, but the programming bug has hit again, so I'm starting on some new ideas.
How did Board Horde finish up? I've just played (and rated) it at Gamejolt, but I fear you may have suffered the same fate as Korelos - i.e it's dropped off the leaderboards and not getting many plays now?
After 6 months with 4 games on Clay.io, I'm still below $6 on revenue, so I don't think the ads are working out too well now.
I decided to whip Korelos and Jovian War up to Gamejolt, was a fairly painless experience but not seeing many plays so far.
Thanks for the info, I'm quite excited about a new idea I have, so marketing is going to be a problem (again) I suspect.