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    > As far as purchase other's cheap app source code, maybe 10% of the time. Most of the time, I've used stuff that I've developed myself awhile back and replace the graphics. I don't like to the spend money when I don't have to.


    Thanks for your reply.

    Do you sell few times the same game or is there an exclusivity on flippa?

    In other words, are you allowed to use the source code again when you have sold it on flippa?


    It's my code that I've written, so in the end I make the call on what I want to do with it. If a purchaser doesn't want to accept this, then they don't have to bid. If I made it where I couldn't reuse my source code, then this app flipping business would be useless. I reuse the same code and use different graphics. When I sell the game, they have full rights to their app including source code and they can resell if they want.

  • Hello,

    Thanks for sharing. Very interesting for newbies to get an idea on earning from making apps.

    However, you make it sound easy and "passive" while it's not.

    Most of your incomes come from your freelance work. Which is not passive I assume.

    As you have to sell a good story on your blog to sell your products, I won't blame you

    Btw, are you selling your apps through flippa because it's more profitable than publishing them on stores with admob?

    For those apps, I also assume that you purchase cheap apps which don't look nice and replace the graphics to make them nicer and resell them with a good margin. Quite clever

    I'm not here to criticize, troll or whatever, just want to exchange with someone transparent enough to speak about money


    Oh it's definitely not easy to make the money passively every month. It never will be.

    I sell my apps on Flippa because its indeed more profitable than myself publishing them myself with ad networks like Admob, Chartboost, etc.

    As far as purchase other's cheap app source code, maybe 10% of the time. Most of the time, I've used stuff that I've developed myself awhile back and replace the graphics. I don't like to the spend money when I don't have to.

  • >

    > > AndreasR do you mean that with Intel XDK, app generated can't exceed 20 MB ?

    > >


    > No, I meant that the file size of the app will be about 20 mb. Surely if you add a lot of big images or sounds the file gets bigger.

    > But the minimum size is about 20 mb.


    Thanks ! do you know if there's a maximum size to publish to iOs ?


    You can reduce the size of Intel XDK exported apps by changing the Crosswalk Runtime to "Shared" under your app's build settings in Intel XDK. You will have to install the Crosswalk Runtime later on your phone after someone installs your app.

  • Tested out the new CocoonIO and it definitely gets a much better speed for my short mat bowls app. Annoying thing is I used the PeerJS plugin to make online matches so this isn't compatible. Shame as otherwise it could be a viable alternative now. XDK seems to get slower for me with newer releases =(

    Anyone using the new CocoonIO know how to fix the screen scaling issue?


    Wait, Cocoon still have this issue? If so, then that's a problem for me...

  • Basically when you purchase a .capx from the store, you're suppose to replace the graphics with your own. However, if you can contact the seller of the .capx for permission of use of the original graphics. It's not wise to just buy the .capx and make another copy of the original game. For event logic, it doesn't really matter. The point of a buying a .capx is to extend what's made or learn how a game was made.

  • Basically when you purchase a .capx from the store, you're suppose to replace the graphics with your own. However, if you can contact the seller of the .capx for permission of use of the original graphics. It's not wise to just buy the .capx and make another copy of the original game. For event logic, it doesn't really matter. The point of a buying a .capx is to extend what's made or learn how a game was made.

  • Hello,

    The link leads to an error. Can you update the link please?


    Yeah, I'll fix this by this weekend. Give me some time.

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  • Cocoon.IO is pretty damn awesome.

    Build your game, get the new Cocoon Plugins, do a few tweaks with your game by following the resources on this website: , and upload to the cloud. When you've got a Key, Cocoon automatically Signs and Aligns the APK. Then all that's left to do is to Build the APK and upload it to Google Play.

    A lot of people get frustrated with it, but it's just a matter of learning how to use it. I did find it difficult on finding out what the hell I was suppose to do to get a working APK but once I figured it out, it was smooth sailing from there.

    Lastly, I cannot believe that people are actually pissed about Splash Screen. Is the $500 price to remove a image that shows up for about 3 seconds too much? Yes, yes it is. Oh most definitely. But it's only about 3 seconds. Come on guys.

    I think the people that were pissed off are the same old heads that used CocoonJS, because that splashscreen was hell with CocoonJS. It would bug and stay on the screen for like 1-2 minutes before going to the actual game or crashing depending on your game.

  • If you used CocoonJS back in the day, game performance was actually good, but Ouya is dead now and so is CocoonJS. I'm not sure if CocoonIO supports Ouya. Also the company Razer now owns Ouya, so I'm not sure if things are still the same after the acquisition.

  • Can you post a screenshot of the build settings that you have setup in Intel XDK for iOS?

  • Yay. Another eBook writer. Glad I'm not the only one trying to keep the eBook scene alive. I will buy that eBook later this week, because I've always wanted to go back to Cocoon, but only when the time was right. CocoonJS at the time was great with performance, but the plugin support and tech support was horrible. Ludei at the time was horrible with replying back to user issues. I hope they improved on that.

    I've read about CocoonIO and it has interest me greatly, but just never found the time to work with it.

  • Good luck with your course, because not many people like Windows 10.

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