Arne (or anybody else that may be able to help!) - I've purchased the ParseFE plugin and have set the Application ID, Javascript Key, and Client Key within the project. I'm just using the HelloParse.capx that came with the plugin.
I've exported the project as Cordova, and here is where I'm stuck. I've tried emulating in Intel XDK (I'm used to PhoneGap, but it seems I can't use it for the ParseFE plugin) and every time I try to subscribe to a channel, I end up with the message "Push plugin not ready".
What am I missing? Am I required to go through the setup at https://www.parse.com/tutorials/ios-push-notifications even for emulating a test version of the app?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: The "ParseFE.PushInstallationId" Doesn't seem to be defined when I click "Push Subscribe"...I suppose that might be causing an issue?