About Pointer/Relation in class
The use is simply:
A User (class) have "one or many" Image (class).
So the class Image need a Pointer reference to the User object (if we use the Parse official logic).
For the moment, I make it with a "manual" relation : the ObjectId of User is inserted like a simple string in Image class.
But there is other difficulty...
About default Columns in Parse Query with User class or Custom class
It seems the defaults columns of class: objectId,createdAt,updatedAt are not returned when we use ParseFE.QueryDataCurrent("objectId") or ParseFE.QueryData(ParseFE.QueryDataIndex, "objectId")
However, if I use a general ParseFE.LastData, these infos are well returned.
Is it normal, bug or error from me ?
(this is more important than Pointer/Relation for me at this day)