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  • oh, this has been told many times. you can find it on the forum. short: you need to submit an alpha/beta first and then u can lein that app's fingerprint to your game service and everything is alright. Yes, you have to link it. you can grant andoid apps ios apps or wen service based pass access to your game service. Events are not to complicated. I recommend: on start of layout, browser: is online, user is not logged in => login user. And then on touched "a button u like" => open leaderboard. very simple

    You don't need to ad admob plugin for that. Admob is the ad network of google. It is to show banner or fullscreen ads. This has nothing to do with leaderboards and achievements.

  • Yes, you can do that but not with the cranberry plugin. You need to use the Scirra plugin. With that you can pull all the data to be able to style it yourself. I personally think it is not worth it. To have a leaderboardis great, the standard view is great. I would rather evolve the app/gameplay. but sure up to you.

  • nope, not with that plugin. If you want to design your own leaderboard you can use the Scirra homemade "Goole Play Game" Service. But why do u want to design it?

  • nope, it can be and usually is global. If you login first time google play game service asks you for permission. Users could set there to only share that with friends but in general it is public.

  • This ID is the game service ID you can find next to your game name at the game service section. This is not the reverse domain idientifier of your app.

  • No, so far as I know you can't use that. The Scirra plugin is a weblogin based solution. You don't need to ad anything for that but it is highly mobil eunfriendly.

    1. You need to add the cranberry game plugin to construct2

    2. Then add the plugin to your project and configure login etc.

    3. Export to intel XDK

    4. Ad your Google ID to intelxdk.config.additions

    5. Enable the "Phonegap +Admob* Plugin" in Cordova settings of your project in IntelXDK (it is supposed to be activated right away but that is not working for me so I always enable that)

    6. Set export option to "not signed"

    7. Export via Android/Crosswalk

    8. Sign your APK with your Key

    9. Run app on a device

    10. Get a cocktail to celebrate awesomeness

    Idk, some people are working on a tutorial. Should be there soon but acutally know it is there above I thought about creating a tutorial but everything changes so fast. So with the next IntelXDK update it might look different.


    • Don't use any CocoonJS with this. I mean the C2 Plugin. Acually the Cranberry Plugin might work on a CCJS export but if you don't know what I am talking right now I recommend to not touch it. Don't open that grave^^
    • Don't use the Scirra build in Google Game Service - Plugin. It is well done but not made for mobile. You can just pull data with that and have to desgin your own leaderboard views. The cranberry plugin opens the standard iOS and Android view. Nevertheless the cranberry plugin doesn't work in a browser so that's why there is still some need for the Scirra version. A merge would be nice. If the scirra plugin behaved like the cranberry plugin on mobile, that would be great but the focus is on C3 I guess.
  • goncalopo

    the app triggers continuously fullscreen ads and has a banner too. I think that is to much. The UX suffers to much from that. I recommend to remove the banner and show fullscreen only on start or end of a game round. Cheers, Marco

  • JRoberts101 I recommend to put your company (and that is in many cases your personal) name there. You could get some problems if this is not a clear statement. This term will show up on invoices. In Germany e.g. you have to show your personal name as a freelancer/individual person (if not registered as a public company). This might be different on what country you are located in. In case you want to sell it worldewide I would take the most correct statement. If you put your personal name like it shows up on your ID you should be fine. I know developers like to hide it but as long as you sell apps or monetize through ads it is commercial/business ground and that requires correct names. This post is not a legal advice. You should ask a local tax consultant if you need to be sure on that.

  • suneelnairk Thx a lot, a good rating is also ver welcome any time You can't set up that color. I think google is somehow analizing your header grafic and is picking a color that fits to that.

  • aquadijoib DARTH Crusher

    You need to fill in your app ID. the GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID is just a placeholder. It is not your identifier. Go to google play developer console and game services. You will find the ID next to your APPs name.

    If you still get an error after that replace the whole game plugin code with this version:

    <intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game#544946ee7789ef539f7efe02ea6b12d03b1b8c62" intelxdk:value="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game#544946ee7789ef539f7efe02ea6b12d03b1b8c62" >
    <intelxdk:param intelxdk:name='APP_ID' intelxdk:value='GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID' />
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  • aquadijoib you can just open the file with any text editor. Also you can just use the intel build in text editor. For that click on the develop tab of your project and navigate to the file you need.

  • https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 5005605917


    you need the "game" plugin by cranberry, it is free.

    I don't want to talk german on the forum so other people can follow topics. If you have a complex question you can pm me.

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