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  • I just saw they also found these third party components on it:







    So I guess the 9% are mostly caused by ads and analytics

  • hey everybody,

    my game is listed on a big german game site Chip.de. They started to check apps about how many permissions they are using. The app gets an overall app-risk-rating at the end.

    My game Battle Wizard Attack has only 9% what is very good. I could not find any other app with a lower rating so far. It is made with C2+Crosswalk and I am using these plugins: Admob, ScreenOrientation, LocalNotification, GameService, ShareviaSNS, RateApp, GoogleAnalytics, StatusBar, LocalStorage, Browser and PowerManagement.

    On installation my app requires only these permissions:






    In IntelXDK I set storage to only internal so I don't know why that is required. Does anybody know how to reduce these? Does Admob require Network & Wifi access? It would be great to have an overview about what plugin requires permissions.

    My risk-rating is only 9% but would love to maybe even get a 0%^^. In Germany it is very important. Many apps have around 35% because of collecting a lot of private user data.

    Let me know what you think about privacy protection and if it is worth dropping a plugin for less permissions.

  • Wow, awesome. thanks a lot imaffett

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  • Noga volkiller730

    This is what I do with my games.

    1. Most of them don't come with an initial resolution of 1920x1080. I use more like 1280x700 but my games are all set to use "high resolution scaling" so shouldn't matter. They are sharp at the end. If my game is landscape I do a very thin layout and design it so it could grow in height. Then I center menu stuff to the middle with a combination of pin/anchor.

    2. Export to Cordova with device settings: universal (tablet + phone)

    3. Compile it with Intel Crosswalk unsigned and then sign it with my key.

    4. Upload file to playstore (just one version. I don't know if that was a question but I don't create two)

    5. I create HD screenshots and put them into each play store section. I became lazy and just do HD versions (1920x1080). But it actually doesn't matter because there are phone and tablets with high and low resolutions. A tablet doesn't really have a higher resolution for sure. Android devices also are mainly quite 16:9 ish even tablets. It is more important with ios because an ipad is 4:3 and there you really need different screenshots.

    I don't set up anything special at IntelXDK and APK is only showing this on developer console so that is not a case:





    I guess you need:

    • Adaptive layout
    • Export set to universal
    • HD Screenshots
  • bilgekaan

    Wow very well done. I love it. Simple and leads well into the game. Grafics fit to the music. Simple concept, step by step. I like turning it upsidedown most. ^^

  • AlexFrancois


    I had this problem before too. I think you shouldn't downgrade for that. I fixed it with a cranberry plugin. There is a "lock orientation portrait" and a "lock orientation landscape" plugin. Works well for me.

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  • What I noticed nobody really closes an app through a in-game button. They push the device "home" button and put the app back in the background. If they don't want it anymore they kil it there.

    On iOS this is very common because they only have one home button.

    On Android there might be some people who want to push "back" to close but you should pop a message if they are sure to close. From my perspective not worth to be integrated. Users know how to get rid of an app.

  • Hey,

    1. If your company is an LLC then you should put it there. Missing this could be a misleading naming that could make you vulnerable to lawsuits.

    2. From a user perspesctive: Nobody cares. Really nobody. Ask some people on the street or friends if the wooundn't download the game if they are unsure about if you are an LLC or not.

    3. I, as an business-active individual I used to show this: PHANTASY-NAME + BY + REAL NAME. Now I even dropped the PHANTASY part to keep it short on the stores. I asked a lot of people in general what they think about company names in app stores. Most didn't care but if there was a slight influence then one of these two points were named:

    • they already now the company like "ubisoft" and expect quality from that
    • Name of one single real person where they expect this to be an indie game / one man show (some like that)

    *sure this is not representative


    Put LLC and concentrate on making a good game Don't spend hours of finding some forum post that talk about something where you might be able to crop your name. I am pritty sure you want your game to be available world wide so I would always go for the most strict/safest version and that is in your case having LLC. This is no legal advice.



  • My games on itunes (C2+Crosswalk10 via IntelXDK):

  • Hey everybody,

    just wanted to bring your attention to this awesome game. It is a retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future. It is very detailed and made with a lot of passion. It has a nice gameplay and epic pixelart . There is a playable demo available too. Please check it out.

    Please support their Campaign if you like it



  • https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/

    http://developer.android.com/distribute ... start.html

    Yes, that is right. The yearly Apple fee is only for iOS. If you want to publish on Mac it is another 99$ so in total 198$ per year if you need both.

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