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  • That is the cocoonjs plugin from ludei. It is extremly deprecated. You shouldn't use that in my opinion. I was talking about exporting cordova -> crosswalk -> intel sdk.

    App ID is a number you can find next to your game service bame in google developer console. The cocoonjs plugin would need that too. I think it was in the plugin settings.

    I cant help you any further. I haven't been using cocoonjs for over six month now. There are still some developers and believers who might be able to help you but I guess the number is decreasing.

  • First you need to have an .apk online. Doesn't have to be live but you need your signature/footprint to link you rgame service to the app. If you have an apk uploaded you can go to google game service and link it to an existing app. It will show you all your possible apps.

    The you should integrate cranberry's game plugin. That gives you simple events like "submit score" and "open leaderboard". If you set this up you need to give it the "highscore id" shown in your google games setup. When you export it to intel xdk you need to add your google app id to that.

    It works very well.

  • Thanks for letting us know. I do all my grafics with inkscape + gimp. Great tools

  • luisgmolina

    You need to change the crosswalk version from "stable" to "beta" or "10". If you keep "stable" it uses crosswalk version 7 (see line three of your screenshot) and that has the openSSL bug.

    apex General

    Did you try to erase the the "media" and "image" folders and export it fresh from c2? Did you try to restart intel xdk? Whenever I had that error it had been solved by doing that. Else you should open the log file, copie it to a text editor and search for "failed" or "error". There should be more information about what went wrong.

  • Just give your player the "scroll to" behavior and place the player wherever you want in the layout (e.g. bottom left).

  • Military Ranks (Achievements) — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>10 military ranks.(fantasy badges, not official ranks)</p><p>Size: 250px*250px</p><p>Style:pixelart</p><p>Format: png (with transparent background, alpha)</p>

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  • Really nice game. I like the style and the simplicity.

  • Yes, there are a lot of nice plugins by cranberry. check this:

  • I do it the same way. I have the background as tilemap and then I draw transparent collision-boxes on houses, fences, rocks,... on a different layer. If you use "snap to grid" it is not to bad nut yes it is work to do. You might be able to solve it with a automated loop something like: for each tilemap = gras spawn transparent collision box on same position. This would save work but at the end there will be some more objects that could end up in a little performance loss.

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  • Is it possible for you to rewrite it to use web/local storage?

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  • Now it's showing the images. What version of c2 are you using? There was a bugfix about "save game" shortly. My problem was fixed by it.

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