Goomba's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone after four mouth the game is out.

    Shattered Moon is available on and on the official website for free


    Monochromatic treat style

    Die and Retry genre

    1 to 4 joueur local multiplayer (semi co-op)

    +70 levels

    3 Moons challenges

    Quick session (less than 2 minutes)

  • Just want to thank you. I am working on a multiplayer mode and this helped me a lot. So thank again i 've just drop event number by 8 to 10%.

    You could do something like this to deal with multiple gamepads. Here, GamepadID is an instance variable (or could be a family instance variable in your case) used to identify which Sprite will be moved by each gamepad.

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  • In Donkey kong tropical freeze you can sometimes get in the background and play there. Also check games from vanillaware odin sphere and muramasa.

    You can enter building and change path and it stays as a side scroller.

    Maybe i misunderstood your point.

  • For my platformer i use several global variable

    Music_is_playing (to check if a music is actually playing)

    Zone x (where x is the zone player get into)

    For exemple :

    If Music_is playing = 0

    Zone = 1

    -> play music "blabla"

    -> set music_is_playing = 1

    if Zone is not = 1

    -> stop music "blabla"

    maybe it is not optimal but it is efficient.

  • I have trouble updating my game Shattered Moon.

    When i try to upload from my disk I get a 404 server error :

    404 - File or directory not found.

    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    if anyone hs any clue ^^

  • YouTube:

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    Look great Just tweeted your video

    I am currently working on Shattered Moon. Aim to make a local multiplayer mode as well !

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  • Hi

    Shattered Moon is now available on both in html 5 and for download. Got a problem to update the scirra version so the version the lastest newest.

    you can add it :

  • Video Gameplay

    A new demo will be soon available. In the meantime you can check the gameplay video :

    New Screenshot


    For any feedback, please sent them to 84gamestudio at

  • from my experience, your speed is way too low for 8D. try setting up speed max to 3000 to test.

  • Thanks a lot of the feedback. I know that bug it should be fixed when i 'll update the game this week end with new levels. (Strangely the bug do not occurs everytime).

    Yes The talk is a bit too long.

    More feedback for the player is on the to do list. ^^

  • I'm currently working on Shattered Moon, a flying plateformer.

    You can test the demo on the scirra arcade.

  • It seems resolves i ve no longer the problem. I think it was on my side. Thanks

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Member since 14 Aug, 2012

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