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  • Hmm, that's in interesting idea. Yeah, they do destroy and create often, but it's all random, how many are on screen.

    I'll play around with some ideas, thanks.

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  • Hmm, maybe checking if fps drops below, set time scale, etc. I could, but I also have a slow motion power up I would need to configure. Might be worth it, I guess I could try.

    Just not sure it will actually fix the issue.

  • My game can fluctuate from 45-60fps during play on an ipad2 using CJS. When the fps does fluctuate, it doesn't just smoothly slow down the game, it kind of skips/lags a bit. A lot of my game is determined by bullet speed on several objects coming at the player, along with backgrounds.

    I'm trying to figure if there is a way to "smooth" out that slowness. In old arcade and NES games, when the screen got loaded with bad guys, the game would kind of slow down for a bit, is that possible in C2? Or do I just need to live with the jitterness or try to get the game running at 60fps consistently?

    I feel like I missing an obvious optimization step.

    My game is an infinite runner. Everything is moving towards the player. Backgrounds, boxes, tires, etc. If there is something I can look for, that would be great. I know I am not giving much to go off. Just imagine it as a bunch of different sized bullets constantly spawning off screen and heading towards the player .

  • Thanks guys, I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something by just exporting as phonegap and using phonegap build. My game never starts on my device, just crashes back to the ipad desktop. Now that I know I am going about it right, I'll start troubleshoooting.

  • I'm a bit confused on all the new phonegap information. Say I wanted to target only iOS8 for my upcoming game. I understand phonegap is probably the way to go, but all the information in C2 about phonegap (when you export, the links to tutorials) all point to old phonegap information. Is all of this still accurate?

  • Curious, how would you accomplish this auto switch to a lower res?

  • Ashley,

    I posted my results with Chrome, Node Webkit, Firefox and IE in my reply. FYI

    [quote:1uugf9d8]GPU Enabled.

    Chrome - Super Laggy and Jittery

    Node Webkit - Bad button lag, but seems to run ok.

    Firefox - Really bad at start, if you wait a few seconds it seems to run fine.

    IE11 - Bad button lag but seems to run ok.

    I'll try logging dt like you suggested.

  • I have a huge project I am hoping to get compiled and out this week. Waiting to see what Ashley has to say about this before doing anything though.

  • GPU Enabled.

    Chrome - Super Laggy and Jittery

    Node Webkit - Bad button lag, but seems to run ok.

    Firefox - Really bad at start, if you wait a few seconds it seems to run fine.

    IE11 - Bad button lag but seems to run ok.

  • I recently challenged myself to remake one arcade game a week with Construct 2. They first one is completed and I blogged about it here: ... ek-berzerk

    I plan on doing a live stream session on each game to answer questions people might have on how I tackled each challenge of that particular game. To keep up to date on that, just follow me on twitter and

  • I've never had a single problem with CJS either. They are still my goto wrapper, and sounds like they are making an effort.

    ludei, the flicker gone on the image would be great. I think in the mean time if you can add some text to the image saying LOADING... or something to effect, it will at least let users know the game is indeed loading.

  • There is a forum when you log into the Nintendo dev site. In that forums, there is a c2 specific sub forum.

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